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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Top Stick Performers of 05...

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1. Vapor XXX lite

2. I also really like my old original tps response but its been a while since I used it

I'm also looking forward to the Adrenaline control does anyone know when they will be available?

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well im not really all about the "latest and greatest" stick craze but my top sticks i have used this year have been.

1. Pro stock response + ( i guess it was sorta a Xn10 Hybrid. Xn10 shaft and r+ blade i think)

2. i know its "older" but my 04 synergy has been a tank and i love it. have 2 now :D

3. XN10, its #3 becuase of the blade i hated the feel.

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Jimmy can you tell me more about CCM OPS?

The new CCM ops should be at your LHS soon if not already. Check them out. The older models were very durable, the V110 being the most popular. We'll have to see how the new models are performance/durability wise. No one knows yet, except of course OV, third leading scorer in NHL. But what does he know, he's just a rookie. :D

On another note, I got some 06 Easton 350 Grips today, not a bad stick for a sub $100 range. Felt good.

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When did Ovie sign with CCM? I know he used to use Synergies in his younger days.

I don't know, I just had heard that the top 3 scorers in the NHL were using CCM sticks, isn't he #3?

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Yup, and 2 are paid to do it for sure. I'm not positive on whether Jagr is sponsored or not, but I believe he is under Koho, so he'd be the third. It's funny because there isn't another CCM user in the top 30 and all. There's a couple more in the top 50, but Straka's the only one who isn't sponsored (Vinny and the Sedins are the others).

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Yup, and 2 are paid to do it for sure. I'm not positive on whether Jagr is sponsored or not, but I believe he is under Koho, so he'd be the third. It's funny because there isn't another CCM user in the top 30 and all. There's a couple more in the top 50, but Straka's the only one who isn't sponsored (Vinny and the Sedins are the others).

What does that matter? Guys break sponsorship deals all the time. If a stick isn't working for a pro, they aren't going to use it.

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Yup, and 2 are paid to do it for sure. I'm not positive on whether Jagr is sponsored or not, but I believe he is under Koho, so he'd be the third. It's funny because there isn't another CCM user in the top 30 and all. There's a couple more in the top 50, but Straka's the only one who isn't sponsored (Vinny and the Sedins are the others).

What does that matter? Guys break sponsorship deals all the time. If a stick isn't working for a pro, they aren't going to use it.

.....Martin St.Louis

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Yup, and 2 are paid to do it for sure. I'm not positive on whether Jagr is sponsored or not, but I believe he is under Koho, so he'd be the third. It's funny because there isn't another CCM user in the top 30 and all. There's a couple more in the top 50, but Straka's the only one who isn't sponsored (Vinny and the Sedins are the others).

What does that matter? Guys break sponsorship deals all the time. If a stick isn't working for a pro, they aren't going to use it.

Most guys will stick with that particular company. I'm just saying looking at the top NHL scorers isn't a great way to pick your stick.

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Yup, and 2 are paid to do it for sure. I'm not positive on whether Jagr is sponsored or not, but I believe he is under Koho, so he'd be the third. It's funny because there isn't another CCM user in the top 30 and all. There's a couple more in the top 50, but Straka's the only one who isn't sponsored (Vinny and the Sedins are the others).

What does that matter? Guys break sponsorship deals all the time. If a stick isn't working for a pro, they aren't going to use it.

Most guys will stick with that particular company. I'm just saying looking at the top NHL scorers isn't a great way to pick your stick.

And asking unknown people on a bulletin board is a better way? I don't think so. I think the pros, even the paid ones, realize that performance matters for their careers, and they are just not going to use something as important as a stick, just because they are paid to do it. Would they sacrifice a 3 mil a yr contract in exchange for a $300k equipment deal. I don't think so. In the end, they pick what stick they can score with. That's why they change "alliances" so often.

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Yup, and 2 are paid to do it for sure. I'm not positive on whether Jagr is sponsored or not, but I believe he is under Koho, so he'd be the third. It's funny because there isn't another CCM user in the top 30 and all. There's a couple more in the top 50, but Straka's the only one who isn't sponsored (Vinny and the Sedins are the others).

What does that matter? Guys break sponsorship deals all the time. If a stick isn't working for a pro, they aren't going to use it.

Most guys will stick with that particular company. I'm just saying looking at the top NHL scorers isn't a great way to pick your stick.

And asking unknown people on a bulletin board is a better way? I don't think so. I think the pros, even the paid ones, realize that performance matters for their careers, and they are just not going to use something as important as a stick, just because they are paid to do it. Would they sacrifice a 3 mil a yr contract in exchange for a $300k equipment deal. I don't think so. In the end, they pick what stick they can score with. That's why they change "alliances" so often.

Yeah, or they'll play with a painted stick ala Sundin.

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