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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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anyone know where you can get the translucent ls2?

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Technically they are called Lightspeed Power, or something like that :lol: . I think you will be able to order them through your LHS in May or so, at least thats when the rep told me my shop would be able to.

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Yea but i just want the blade and holder i dont want the whole skate i just recently baught 1300c but i like the lightspeeds so i wanna get those on instead of my razor 2! :o

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They are listed int the catalog as a separate item so you can get them on their own. I would assume that they would be available late summer/early fall once the rest of the new stock is shipped.

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The LS Power wont fit on Synergys.So I guess your out of luck,there always the option of drilling though,JR knows more than I do about it.

EDIT: Yglod,Ive got blue TUUK on my synergys,they actually dont look that bad.

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they 20s, nah they 10s, they 10s

I met her down at the swap meet when I went to pick up them 20s...I mean, them 10s, but I keep 'em clean...she had a Carl's Jr. hamburger in her hand and I wanted a piece of it, and we started rappin' and that's how it happened...worst day of my f'n life!

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