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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Custom Tapered Blades?

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Ok, I ordered some SOP Sherwood 9950 wood sticks for my HS season, I was happy with the performance but now I'm thinking I'd like the same custom blade pattern but in a tapered shaft (a la dolomite is where im hoping to go). My question: is it possible to order custom tapered wood blades? Where? Also, (yes I know this is three questions, not one) are all 'tapered' blades the same in size, so if I order a tapered blade from say sherwood would it work in the dolomite shaft? Thankkks!

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thenizzle, I can give you a good reason why you shouldn't order tapereds from Sher-Wood...they won't be short hoseled. Their tapered hosels are about 1 1/4" longer than the rest. I did a batch for someone I know and we had to send them back, and they won't redo them.

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JR is just a straight up thug when it comes to hockey equipment and testing. I never really heard your full story. Are you a pro, ex prp, or somewhat affiliated with someone big that you get this stuff, someone big in the equipment testing business, or are you just a well know storeowner?

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JR is just a straight up thug when it comes to hockey equipment and testing. I never really heard your full story. Are you a pro, ex prp, or somewhat affiliated with someone big that you get this stuff, someone big in the equipment testing business, or are you just a well know storeowner?

he is in the mafia... :D

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Ok, I ordered some SOP Sherwood 9950 wood sticks for my HS season, I was happy with the performance but now I'm thinking I'd like the same custom blade pattern but in a tapered shaft (a la dolomite is where im hoping to go). My question: is it possible to order custom tapered wood blades? Where? Also, (yes I know this is three questions, not one) are all 'tapered' blades the same in size, so if I order a tapered blade from say sherwood would it work in the dolomite shaft? Thankkks!

christian hockey, i have 17

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JR, I wonder why they wouldn't redo them. I ordered some blades for a guy (non-tapered) and they weren't stiff enough for him. I talked to Pat Lovett about it, and he was very apologetic and put a reorder in right away. Maybe this was an isolated incident, because it's not like companies bent over backwards for us.

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I knew you were going to say Pat was gone, which doesn't surprise me considering the industry. I haven't custom-ordered from TPS yet, but if I do, it'll probably be with them.

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Christian does custom tapered blades, you have to order them 6 at a time though. Follow the links at www.harrowsports.com or www.hockeystick.com to find an order form.

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im actually doing this right now, getting them at 26.5 cdn a blade, short hosseled taped.

but there doesn't seem to have any custom features that i would want, like extra "things" on it to make it stiffer. i wonder if theres anything that will do.

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So if SW's blades aren't short enough, who would you guys suggest for custom tapered blades?

I was leaning towards SW as I heard bad things about Christian blades.

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azzali (sp?) do custom blades, standard and tapered, the only trouble i see you having if it a factor is the weight, they are not the lightest

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So if SW's blades aren't short enough, who would you guys suggest for custom tapered blades?

I was leaning towards SW as I heard bad things about Christian blades.

Really? What's bad about the christian tapered blades? I used them for a couple of games and they've been fine so far.

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Really? What's bad about the christian tapered blades? I used them for a couple of games and they've been fine so far.

I've heard second hand so don't take this as fact but I heard they get soft quickly.

I'm sure someone on here has used them and can confirm or deny this.

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Really?  What's bad about the christian tapered blades?  I used them for a couple of games and they've been fine so far.

I've heard second hand so don't take this as fact but I heard they get soft quickly.

I'm sure someone on here has used them and can confirm or deny this.

I have used both and the Christians last longer for me. You have to do things like take the tape off after every game or practice with either brand if you want them to remain stiff for more than a couple games.

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