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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Master P

Salming USA out of business ?

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Ya but i need to know what the prices are.

Fire off an email or call and ask.

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Awww poo. I'm regretting making a couple of recent purchases..forgot about these Salming sticks among other things!

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I, too, have bought things from Jason/Salming. Very easy to work with and overall good guy. Never found him to sugar coat anything (he talked me into waiting to buy a hockey bag until their new model came out, for instance).

I'd buy from him again, easily. Heck, maybe it's time to retire my breezers! Or my ratty gloves.... or stock up on one of them OPS..... or.. heck, I think I'm just going to have to go to his site!

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I'd possibly be interested in some new pants (breezers? must be an american thing, lol) if you have a chance to get any of those up on the site. I'll snoop around on other sites to see if I can get a look at them then come back to you to buy if I like what I see.

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Don't quote me on this, but I think the term "breezer" is synonymous with "wind pants" or "wind suit", aka stuff you wear to the rink before you put your gear on... or to coach or whatever. I talked to Jason about that stuff and he is still waiting on getting that shipped to him from Canada.

.. and yes, Jason IS a great guy and pleasure to do business with.



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Don't quote me on this, but I think the term "breezer" is synonymous with "wind pants" or "wind suit", aka stuff you wear to the rink before you put your gear on... or to coach or whatever. I talked to Jason about that stuff and he is still waiting on getting that shipped to him from Canada.

.. and yes, Jason IS a great guy and pleasure to do business with.



I thought "Breezers" were those things you put over your girdle (if you wear one).

Frankly, I never got the whole girdle/shell thing. Sure you can change the color easier than buying new pants, doesn't everybody just wear black pants!!!


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As others have said, Jason is a great guy to deal with. In my lineup, I have F1 skates, the OPS G1, the 2-Piece G10 shaft+blade - I also have some pants coming (breezers ;) ) in the mail... Have also ordered some Oggie grips from him in the past as well.

No issues at all.

He ships fast and cheap too!


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I, too, have bought things from Jason/Salming.  Very easy to work with and overall good guy.
.. and yes, Jason IS a great guy and pleasure to do business with.

As others have said, Jason is a great guy to deal with.

Man, I'm going to have to get my wife to read this thread, so I can say, "See, I told ya!" :P

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I, too, have bought things from Jason/Salming.  Very easy to work with and overall good guy.
.. and yes, Jason IS a great guy and pleasure to do business with.

As others have said, Jason is a great guy to deal with.

Man, I'm going to have to get my wife to read this thread, so I can say, "See, I told ya!" :P

Well then, i might aswell add to the comments, Bought some shafts off Jason as Mark didn't have them, Awesome guy to deal with, answered all my questions with thoughtful answers. Would be an asset to any company.

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I skated on my new F1's yesterday for the first time and am very pleased. I had some minor issues (heal tightness, high arch and chaffing from the cuff), but that is to be expected since I wore them right out of the box. A little break in time and they will be great, the fit is one of the best I have found for my foot and they seem to be of high quality. Jason also gets a thumbs up from me as well, the reasons for which have been stated already. It's sad we won't be able to get Salming in the states anymore.

? --> Has any one tried the TF10 shaft? specifically I was wondering about the shape, how round are the corners, concave/staight, etc...

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The TF1 OPS, same as the TF10 shaft, is pretty big and boxy. PM Theo and see what he thinks or check his review.

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