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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jim A

Crosby Gatorade Commercial

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Any of our Canadian bretheren have this or seen it? Essentially Sid the Kid playing street hockey and keeping with the "can jimmy come out and play" theme of past US ads...

Looked in YouTube..didn't see anything..

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They showed this before Scary Movie 4 started. I had to explain to my buddy that the pile of sticks was for picking teams, so that might be lost on some viewers.

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Just saw about half of the commercial, I turned around and I saw that huge pile of sticks and the Oceanic players comming out of the buss to throw their sticks.

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Yeah...but I agree with Lester...might be lost on some people who didn't grow up playing ball/street hockey.

The ones who get it will love it.

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They showed this before Scary Movie 4 started. I had to explain to my buddy that the pile of sticks was for picking teams, so that might be lost on some viewers.

is the ad showing before scary movie in all theaters? because i'm going to see it tomorrow

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They showed this before Scary Movie 4 started. I had to explain to my buddy that the pile of sticks was for picking teams, so that might be lost on some viewers.

is the ad showing before scary movie in all theaters? because i'm going to see it tomorrow

i saw a coke ad befroe i saw scary movie 4, but this was in Virginia

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Crosby is only signed to Gatorade Canada

firstinthirst.typepad.com talks about all things Gatorade, done by ESPN Sports Biz reporter Darren Rovell

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They showed this before Scary Movie 4 started. I had to explain to my buddy that the pile of sticks was for picking teams, so that might be lost on some viewers.

is the ad showing before scary movie in all theaters? because i'm going to see it tomorrow

it all depends which theater you go to.

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That's cool. Thanks for the link Jim. Nothing like watching TV for the purpose to see a commercial. I like it!

I think a few will miss the concept of that's how teams are picked. The kids say something at the beginning so that helps.

I'm impressed with the big honkin' pile of sticks. Funny how Sher Wood got their plug in there.

Finally, doesn't everyone want to play with great playmakers? Just ask Cheechoo if playmakers make a difference!!

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There was somethere refreshing about watching Crosby drop a Sher-wood wooden stick onto the pavement. For a commercial the whole thing is kinda... no too commercial.

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