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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jim A

Crosby Gatorade Commercial

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Oh you're right... I didn't look to closely when I saw it on TV. All the sher-woods i've ever played with have been wood.

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does anybody know who that big russian player is supposed to be?

You mean you never heard of K3EPTOK? :D

I think they're just playing up the concept of playing against a big, scary Russian. I'm sure the Russians who see this ad will get a kick out of the invented name.

As far as other products you can identify I've watched the spot a few times (yeah, I've got some time to kill today) and definitely saw Sher-Wood, that almost looks like a paid for product placement.

You can also see a bit of the Rbk logo on Crosby's helmet.

Are those girls wearing Eagle gloves?

And is that an old Gretzky white with red lettering Titan I see flying through the air?

Great to see the Hanson's out for the event. Just need the Trailer Park Boys!

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Wow, that jacket. Wow...


I think he's commentating on the "the bigger the vest, the better" philosophy that Crosby seems to be subscribing to. It came around in the late seventies/early eighties in Canada and seems to be back in vougue now. I personally like it, but the one I have right now is a huge orange one. I'd prefer something big and navy blue.

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