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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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advice for wisdom teeth being pulled?

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Gently roll salt water around, it'll help control the ensuing funk that will be coming out of your mouth.

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i had this thing you put ice packs in, i looked so stupid with it on but i seem to work. i was pretty much fine when i got mine out. had them out on friday play in my game that sunday.

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When you eat, try things that you don't really have to chew. Ramen noodles, soup, etc... Lots of water should help too.

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Trust me they'll beat that into his head because otherwise he'll get dry socket and that's just brutal.

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i just had all 4 of mine pulled about 2 months ago.

i was effed for two weeks.

i dont know what i did but they hurt so bad.

i thought i was dying because i couldnt even open my mouth


no tips from me.


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i had 3 pulled, and you couldn't even tell that i had anything done a day later. Just spend some quality time with the ice packs. Mac and cheese and soup is good. Not to mention the kick ass pain killers they gave me. Just spend some time on the couch with the playstation and you'll be fine

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Yeah the pills got me stonned a couple of days, Jello and Pudding were my friend, but especially with the playoffs starting soon, you should be distracted and you won't feel any pain(with the pills that is).

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i just had all 4 of mine pulled about 2 months ago.

i was effed for two weeks.

i dont know what i did but they hurt so bad.

i thought i was dying because i couldnt even open my mouth


no tips from me.


Wow, my dentist must have been even better than I thought. I was mildly uncomfortable for a week or so but that was it. Hell, I had two pulled on a lunch break and went back to work.

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I had 4 impacted pulled a month ago. I didn't take any pain killers and I was back to work in three days.

My remedy:

Salt Water

Ace bandages holding ice packs wrapped around your head


carnation instant breakfast


milk shakes


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yes chadd

I could feel my dentist ripping them out.

i was like yelling at him but he didnt even understand me,

i bled for three days

i couldnt even sleep

lol worst experince in my life.

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i had 2 pulled when i was in cuba(USMC). had the day off and was back to work the next day. i was bale to eat anything including spicy foods. i even got drunk that nite. no pain killers.

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thanks guys, i think i am pretty lucky, hardly any pain and little bleeding. a friend of mine had them done in brazi, the doctors gave him a local injection, which meant he was watching the whole thing! he had 4 pulled, 3 had to be cut/broken and they were tuggin alot, and of course my friend was like eh what else am i gonna do, it was free (family friend, not whole in the wall teeth puller)

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