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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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black fighters

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I think they gave Bashier a rough ride.

That wasn't because he is black...that's because he sucks!

Montreal has some of the worst fans in the league. They also have some great knowledgable fans, but they have a large number of really bad ones too.

I honestly don't know if they gave him a hard time because of rce or ability.

You can probably say that about most teams. Bad apples everywhere.

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It seems to me that a disproportionate number of goalies in the NHL are from Quebec? Am I wrong?..............


Of course you're wrong, the most skewed % is from Finland ;)

Mostly due to their youth hockey structure and having trained goalie coaches at every level.

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Is it wrong to make observations like my Coach made the other day: "The Swedes are better hockey players than the Fins, or at least they have soother hands." BTW my coach is 100% Finnish, last name Ollila, so I don't think he's saying that out of any kind of bias. On the other hand, I (who am not a lick of either Swedish or Finnish) would have to say that there are a whole lot of really solid Finnish goalies, whereas I can't name a single Swedish one. (Yes I know that this is because they have goalie coaching at the minor hockey levels in Finland, that's kinda beside the point).

What I'm saying is, these are very racial observations on the differences difference people groups (I don't believe in different races BTW, there is only one race) have in the way they play hockey. Are we wrong to do that? Neither Coach Ollila nor I have anything against the Fins. In fact, I watch hockey every Saturday at the Byykkonen's house, and you don't get any more Finn that "Byykkonen!"

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On the other hand, I (who am not a lick of either Swedish or Finnish) would have to say that there are a whole lot of really solid Finnish goalies, whereas I can't name a single Swedish one.

Lundqvist -NYR

Tellqvist -Leafs

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It seems to me that a disproportionate number of goalies in the NHL are from Quebec? Am I wrong?..............


Of course you're wrong, the most skewed % is from Finland ;)

Mostly due to their youth hockey structure and having trained goalie coaches at every level.

Glad to see you are paying attention. I knew about the Finnish goalies. I was going with the Quebec goalie sterotype, same as our black player = fighter sterotype, which started all this nonsense.


Where in Finland is your coach from? I have a friend in Seinajoki, north of Tappara.

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What I'm saying is, these are very racial observations on the differences difference people groups (I don't believe in different races BTW, there is only one race) have in the way they play hockey.

Actually, those aren't racial stereotypes -- they're cultural or national stereotypes. There sort of racial stereotype, because those countries are fairly homogeneous. But a racial stereotype would state that purple people, regardless where they grew up, can't play hockey well due to being purple.

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Darkstar: All the Fins I know are from the Keewena Penninsula of Michigan. And all the Swedes I know are from the Kootanys in BC.

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How many blacks live in truely Northern climates? Outside of Halifax, Toronto and Montreal, there is not too much. And even then, they are severe minorities in all three cities.

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I always find it amusing when I'm in one of the Northern cities and hear someone speak who is obviously is from the Islands. That's got to be as much of a climate shock as me moving to Ecuador -- and, believe me, I wouldn't do well in Ecuador.... :o

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How many blacks live in truely Northern climates? Outside of Halifax, Toronto and Montreal, there is not too much. And even then, they are severe minorities in all three cities.

There is a big Haitian population in Quebec. Most black players with French last names are of Haitian descent (guys like Vilgrain, Laraque, Bouillon)

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Most of the Hatians in Quebec are limited to Montreal area. That's why I only mentioned Montreal. I suppose you could add to the list D-town, but honestly, I've lived there and really there are more whites and arabs than just about anything else.

What interesting is Vancouver. That is all Asians and they have really adopted the national sport of their new nation. Some have even made it into the higher leagues, and in Kariya's case, the NHL.

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Let's not confuse racism with cultural environmental influence....there are any number of cultural reasons why there could be a higher percentage(assuming any valid conclusions could be drawn from such a small sampling) of black players who are fighters in the NHL..which has nothing directly to do with racism, but a lot to do with social conditions...some of which may be there due to a racist history.

If you consider the percentage of prize fighters who are black versus all other ethnic minorities....would it be unusual that a higher percentage of black players would be cultivated for their pugilistic skills than another group? If you consider that by the unfortunate nature of the social conditions of an inner city, where youth are exposed to fighting their way to and from school, and even to cross their own neigbourhoods, a safe haven from all the pull of the local gang warfare can be the local boxing gym. Maybe an explanation of the higher percentage of black prize fighters....is this a racist comment???...No it is a social comment.

For some of the black members of this board who have personal experience of direct racism in hockey....would it be fair to say that they felt obliged to fight to deter this racism? Might it then be fair to assume that if this was a more common event than it ever should be that, they might, as their carreer progessed, be percieved as "fighters", and perhaps cultivated in a very utilitarian sense, for their developed skills and ready attitude? Is this "cultivation" of itself a "racist" activity...I would say no...more likely, strictly a utilitarian one.

While there is no doubt that there has been a racist influence on the carreer of many black hockey players, commenting on the fact that there may be a higher percentage of black fighters than another minority(assuming again this is an accurate perception) in the sport of hockey...is not of itself a racist remark, but merely an observation which at this point may or may not be accurate. The explanation for this if true is more anthropological than racist.

And by the way....having to "fight" because you were a minority is not limited to black and white lines...the same could be said for French Canadians living/playing in a predominatly English neighbourhood....as well as the converse situation. Or as a Catholic youth growing up in an all Protestant neighbourhood years ago when religious affiliations had much more influence on the youth..and of course vica versa. Or a "Blood" growing up in a Crypt" neighbourhood....

Whenever you are a percieved member of a "competing minority"....you will be obliged to fight for your survival and identity..unfortunately this continues to be the way of the world.

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