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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Era Baseball Hats

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I'm trying to find a Boston Red Sox New Era hat I saw today. This guy had it on. It was all black with white lettering, and in the front, and more to the side, it had the boston B enlarged, but only about half the B is showing. There is also a little B on the back. It is a 5950 Fitted Hat. If anyone has a picture, or link to website that sells the hat I'm looking for, could you please post it?


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Well guys, I tried all those sources and it doesn't seem to be there. This has stumped me because this is like the third time I've seen a newera hat I liked, and couldn't find it anywhere on the net or anything. I would bet my life that the hat was newera. Its ok though, you can lock up the thread. I found a hat I like better and got it:


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eh, i dont think the new era site is that complete.. although im sure its hard to keep ALL the hats they have on there. the lids site seems to have more on it.

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