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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sykora/Sakic pro blade pattern

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Petr Sykora was here in NJ recently at the mall signing autographs and we had the chance to talk to him for a bit. We asked him about his backhand move and he said he needs his blade to it consistantly. So i'd imagine that is one crazy blade for backhands.

He also mentioned something about using a blade a while back that was very similar to Sakic's pro blade. We couldn't get into it with him because the line started to get long and didn't want to hold up everybody else.

-Does anybody know or have any pics of the Sykora and/or Sakic pro blades???

I remember a long time ago, when Easton first came out with the Sakic blade, it was nothing like the Sakic pattern out now. The blade had next to no curve on it with a slight wedge. I believe it was a mid or mid-heel. Then easton changed it to the now popular pattern, but I think that was Sakic's actual pro pattern. Does anybody have pics of those or any measurments/anything?

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I remember seeing a Sykora pro stock synergy in my LHS. It was a huge blade. (As in length). I dont recall a Lidstrom sort of curve but more of a Sakic.

I also came across this... SYKORA

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I remember seeing a Sykora pro stock synergy in my LHS. It was a huge blade. (As in length). I dont recall a Lidstrom sort of curve but more of a Sakic.

I also came across this... SYKORA

that is his stick and curve, but that was 5 years ago.

People's curve usually change a bit ever year so it wouldn't be hard to imagine him usually a "sakic curve" now.

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I saw him working on his sticks multiple times while he was in Anaheim, and whatever pattern he started with, he heated it up with a torch and put a wicked toe curve on it.

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I saw him working on his sticks multiple times while he was in Anaheim, and whatever pattern he started with, he heated it up with a torch and put a wicked toe curve on it.

torching on a graphite blade ? ..............yikes.

I guess its alright if he is only going to use it for 1-2 games. who cares if it breaks prematurely, he's got plenty more available.

I wonder how many pro's torch their graphite blades to adjust the curve ?

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Being that the person who asked the question was "Last Seen: 11th August 2006 - 09:47 PM" ..I doubt he'll be too quick to respond.

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Being that the person who asked the question was "Last Seen: 11th August 2006 - 09:47 PM" ..I doubt he'll be too quick to respond.

Doh ! Good point,did'nt even look at the date of the original post.

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I've seen some of his recent pro stocks on Ebay before.

Looks like he starts out with a something damn close to a retail Getzlaf and just adds a bit of a toe curve to it.

I also noticed how he does what I do with my one-piece sticks and cuts it off lower in order to add a sculpted/rounded wooden endplug for both balance and feel.

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