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Removing logos from helmets

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Whats the best way to remove logos from the front and side of helmets? To be specific, I don't mean team or certification stickers, I mean the "RBK" or "Bauer" company logo. I've heard that acetone does a great job but does anyone know for sure what will work and not leave any marks behind? Thanks!

DISCLAIMER: I apologize in advance if this has been asked before recently (since there's a healthy core of folks here who love to jump down your throat if thats the case). I did a search and came up empty.

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You really need to avoid using any type of chemical on your helmet. Many products will weaken your helmet and make it less protective.

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Use a razor blade or a knife to scrape the pait off the logo. Though the raised outline of the logo may still be there depending on the helmet. I've used paint thinner on plastic before and it didn't weaken or deform it all, though I wouldn't use it on my helmet.

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In line with the xacto knife idea, I was thinking I might try polishing it off with my dremel if it's a raised logo like bullet said. I wasn't really down with the whole chemical idea... For reference I've ordered the RBK 8K but haven't received it yet. Does it have raised logos?

MissConduct, it may be silly but I'm not a big fan of Reebok even though the 8K fits me GREAT and is super light. I know it's dumb, I can't say otherwise =)

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You really need to avoid using any type of chemical on your helmet. Many products will weaken your helmet and make it less protective.

Do you think something like a little vegetable or mineral/baby oil would damage a helmet ? If allowed to soak in the sticker, it might soften it up and allow you to remove it gently.

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Just put tape over it. But if I were you I would just leave it as it is since anything you do to modify the helmet will void the warranty and certification.

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i just used reduced car model paint the black one from close its not bad from far you cant tell one bit

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if you have a different colour helmet than black you could try sportstar helmet tabs or just find coloured electrical tape

electrical tape is what i use

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Just put tape over it. But if I were you I would just leave it as it is since anything you do to modify the helmet will void the warranty and certification.

maybe that's true, but you never get any flak from removing them. Whenever i get a new helmet, first thing i do is take off all those crappy certification stickers. When you have a really mainstream helmet, i.e. anything from NBH etc, the refs know you're fine. I dont take off the printed logos (because my nike 4000 logos are sick and thats the reason i got the helmet in the first place lol) but i hear nail polish remover works well if you dont have a black helmet so electrical tape isnt an option (but again i would be wary of this as chemicals on a plastic helmet might reduce its protection.)

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Electrical Tape it. I saw they make some different colors a while ago too if its not the normal black. If you change your mind later you can just take the tape off

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I finally got my RBK 8K helmet last weekend. I ended up doing a combination of things to finally get the look I wanted.

I got a black helmet so I started by taking a soft paper towel and dabbing it with Goo-Be-Gone which is a fantastic chemical solution which breaks down adhesives. I tried it on a whim and amazingly enough it ate right through the printed logos. The print on the side mounted size flip clips slid right off and now look quite professional. I would advise you to be careful not to use TOO much of the Goo-Be-Gone as it is a harsh chemical and may take the polished shine off of the rest of the helmet shell if you get too much on.

The front logo was more of a problem. I applied the GBG and the logo came off however unlike the sides, the one was embossed. Even after removing most of the white, you could still see the raised outline of that weird Rebook swoosh-wanna-be-arrow-looking-thing. I got crazy and thought I could polish it off with my Dremel but it was no where near as smooth and clean as I wanted so I went with the advice of most of the folks here and went with an application of eletric tape. After cutting it along the indented outline of the front logo area it looks fantastic.

I'll post pics when I get a chance, thanks to everyone for their ideas.

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how do the pros have there logos removed

I think the helmets that pros get don't have logos on them at all. At least not the side logos.

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how do the pros have there logos removed

I have an old Itech pro that simply doesn't have side logos.

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