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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cleary's stick

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i dont think so because i have a cnt stealth and the bottom looks nothing like that

He may blacken it out, or use some that sticky side of tape that turns shafts black when you use it.

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I can back up the fact that Cleary uses Stealths, I've got one of his broken ones! £11 from eBay, can't complain!

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I thought you were talking about the beer gut. Which, BTW, is a beer gut. No wonder St. Louis couldn't win any games this season...

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He'll be switching to a 3-iron if the Red Wings don't win tonight...

Roloson's luck ends tonight...


Hells yes, Hells yes

(2nd fav team is Detroit BTW)

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He switched to Warrior.

In that picture though, he is using an Easton. Unless he had Easton put on the underside of the shaft in 2 places.

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He is definitely using the new CNT Stealth Grip in the original picture, which is obviously not in the playoffs (Blues). Pros are known to switch sticks in the blink of an eye, so I wouldnt be shocked if someone told me he switched to the Warrior since that game Vs. the Blues.

I don't get what isn't clear, its red and black and says EASTON on the bottom...

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we're talking about the picture that the kid posted on Page 1, wanting to know what stick was in the picture

Yep, I know, that's why I initially said

I can back up the fact that Cleary uses Stealths, I've got one of his broken ones!  £11 from eBay, can't complain!

Then came

He switched to Warrior.

Which brought about the question

when did he switch sticks???

So I helped the answer given here

in the game WHICH THE OIL WON today he had a warrior dolomite

all series he has

by posting the picture.

Was just trying to help

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i dont know where you guys get CNT stealth, it looks like an SL grip, the bottom is red, and the top of the stick looks silver, but chipped away from usage?? the new stealths are reddish and darker fading to something like black and the old ones are black and red or black and gray, i dont see any like obvious color?

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i dont know where you guys get CNT stealth, it looks like an SL grip, the bottom is red, and the top of the stick looks silver, but chipped away from usage?? the new stealths are reddish and darker fading to something like black and the old ones are black and red or black and gray, i dont see any like obvious color?

But we only see the top of the stick which is RED. We don't see the bottom of the stick.. Its not an SL Grip.

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