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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I want big bulky gloves (don’t ask why)

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If  you want a big, ugly, bulky glove get a Fury 9145. They also make them in a god-awful dayglo orange.

Fury is just don the street from me , they will make custom gloves for you

They wouldn't do anything less than a dozen for us last year. The 9135 is a nice glove, very traditional 14" four roll.

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jrhky35: I like what I see so far of the Bauer gloves, I actually found a return of a phoenix players, which match my teams colors.... any idea if these gloves or still made? Or there a previous years model? If these could be custom made still that might do it for me...

they are no longer making them for retail. pro return is the only way to get them as far as i know. as for custom order i belive bauer has a min number you have to order.

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thats true jrhhky they are only by pro return but if you check out the SR glove section on hockeygiant.com you can find pro returns from just about every NHL team on there (if you're interested)

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Another vote for the L or H series Eagle gloves. I have a pair of Eagle Vintage gloves from several years back and they fit BIG. The L and H series I tried on had a similar feel.

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he just wants people to think he has big hands....because you know what they say about that...LOL

ya big feet :P

you know what they say about people with big feet.... they wear big socks

yeah the cheapjims gloves are totally huge.

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