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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'm sure you all have a secret place to buy cases of hockey tape at wholesale prices. Let us all in on where that might be. I found Howie's Hockey Tape to be the cheapest after a quick search ($55 for a case of 30 - 1"x30 yd rolls of black). With shipping it works out to be a smidge over $2/roll, which is about $1 cheaper than my LHS. $1 here and $1 there throughout a season could add up to a new shaft before too long.

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case of 36 any combo of 1 x 30 clear, colored ,or white tosses me back about $52 shipped... can not reveal my souce! :ph34r::ph34r:

I am editing because now I think thats wrong I have in my notes 1.37 a roll.. but anyhow its close..

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I was afraid of that type of reply..."I get a case for chicken scratch, but I can't say where. It's mine...ALL MINE"


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I'm sure you all have a secret place to buy cases of hockey tape at wholesale prices. Let us all in on where that might be. I found Howie's Hockey Tape to be the cheapest after a quick search ($55 for a case of 30 - 1"x30 yd rolls of black). With shipping it works out to be a smidge over $2/roll, which is about $1 cheaper than my LHS. $1 here and $1 there throughout a season could add up to a new shaft before too long.

Curious, do you work for Howies?

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They seem to be pretty confident in their tape, doubt it will work as good as they think though.

Step 1: Tear off a piece of tape about 8" long. Attach it to the bottom of the blade. Press down firmly on it so that it sticks to both sides of the stick. This strip will serve as added protection at the point of greatest contact between the ice and blade.

Note: If you use Howies Hockey Tape this additional strip of tape is unnecessary. Our tape will hold up to any wear and tear you can dish out

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I'm sure you all have a secret place to buy cases of hockey tape at wholesale prices.  Let us all in on where that might be.  I found Howie's Hockey Tape to be the cheapest after a quick search ($55 for a case of 30 - 1"x30 yd rolls of black).  With shipping it works out to be a smidge over $2/roll, which is about $1 cheaper than my LHS.  $1 here and $1 there throughout a season could add up to a new shaft before too long.

Curious, do you work for Howies?

Nope, they were just the cheapest place that I found after different/better than the renfrew tape I normally use, but we'll see after I wrap up a stick this weekend.

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I'm sure you all have a secret place to buy cases of hockey tape at wholesale prices.  Let us all in on where that might be.  I found Howie's Hockey Tape to be the cheapest after a quick search ($55 for a case of 30 - 1"x30 yd rolls of black).  With shipping it works out to be a smidge over $2/roll, which is about $1 cheaper than my LHS.  $1 here and $1 there throughout a season could add up to a new shaft before too long.

Curious, do you work for Howies?

Nope, they were just the cheapest place that I found after different/better than the renfrew tape I normally use, but we'll see after I wrap up a stick this weekend.

I've done quite a bit of research on this, including calling Andover and Renfrew directly trying to setup distributorship.

Unless you're paying $3/roll at your LHS, or you have 3 hockey players in your house, you don't really save that much money per year on tape.

I use about 1 roll of clear every 2 weeks(10 skates), so that's about 26 rolls per year (skate year round). I pay $8.99 for a clear pack of 6 (1"x30yds clear) at Pure Hockey(LHS). That's $1.50 per roll.

I use about 10 rolls of 1.5x30 white (stick blade and grip) per year. I buy them at New England Sports Center pro shop for $2.00 each.

So I spend about $39 + $20 = $59 per year on tape.

At Howies I would spend $60+ and have to use 1" white

At WorldAthletic I would spend $36 + $12 = $48 per year.

Whoop-dee-doo. I could maybe save $11 per year.

Of course, the conveinence of having cases of tape in your basement compared with time to go to LHS, gas to drive to LH, etc, you could easily justify buying cases.

I like to go to the LHS and check out the new gear, so buying tape there gives me a reason to do so.

Jimmy. How much do you figure you make on a roll of tape? 75cents?


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I use shipping tape on my socks to save money. Cheaper than a roll of sock tape and 100yd compared to 30yd. Plus I like the width to distribute pressure. Before that I used various stuff I found at industial surplus ($1 per pound), but I haven't seen any lately. :(

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my local hockey store is slowly becoming a peewee store and softball store. if i could sharpen my own skates, i dont think i will ever go back. i may check out howies.

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They seem to be pretty confident in their tape, doubt it will work as good as they think though.

Step 1: Tear off a piece of tape about 8" long. Attach it to the bottom of the blade. Press down firmly on it so that it sticks to both sides of the stick. This strip will serve as added protection at the point of greatest contact between the ice and blade.

Note: If you use Howies Hockey Tape this additional strip of tape is unnecessary. Our tape will hold up to any wear and tear you can dish out

you not from uk?

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I'm sure you all have a secret place to buy cases of hockey tape at wholesale prices.  Let us all in on where that might be.  I found Howie's Hockey Tape to be the cheapest after a quick search ($55 for a case of 30 - 1"x30 yd rolls of black).  With shipping it works out to be a smidge over $2/roll, which is about $1 cheaper than my LHS.  $1 here and $1 there throughout a season could add up to a new shaft before too long.

Curious, do you work for Howies?

Nope, they were just the cheapest place that I found after different/better than the renfrew tape I normally use, but we'll see after I wrap up a stick this weekend.

I've done quite a bit of research on this, including calling Andover and Renfrew directly trying to setup distributorship.

Unless you're paying $3/roll at your LHS, or you have 3 hockey players in your house, you don't really save that much money per year on tape.

I use about 1 roll of clear every 2 weeks(10 skates), so that's about 26 rolls per year (skate year round). I pay $8.99 for a clear pack of 6 (1"x30yds clear) at Pure Hockey(LHS). That's $1.50 per roll.

I use about 10 rolls of 1.5x30 white (stick blade and grip) per year. I buy them at New England Sports Center pro shop for $2.00 each.

So I spend about $39 + $20 = $59 per year on tape.

At Howies I would spend $60+ and have to use 1" white

At WorldAthletic I would spend $36 + $12 = $48 per year.

Whoop-dee-doo. I could maybe save $11 per year.

Of course, the conveinence of having cases of tape in your basement compared with time to go to LHS, gas to drive to LH, etc, you could easily justify buying cases.

I like to go to the LHS and check out the new gear, so buying tape there gives me a reason to do so.

Jimmy. How much do you figure you make on a roll of tape? 75cents?


thats for you.. my rink charges 4 dollars for a roll of tape.. and by buying tape at world athletics 72 rolls for 100 bucks for clear tape.. that means on clear tape alone i save 188 dollars..

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Don't forget to figure in the shipping. Tape is farily dense and costs more to ship than you might think.

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I think worldatheletictape is free shipping if you order a case.


Agree, World Athletic ships for "free", It's basically included in the price. B)

A place like Howies charges about $12 to ship a case, which is substantial.

Tiki21: Where do you live that they rape you $4 a roll for tape? Saudi?

Also, you use a 30 yd roll per week? That's like 12 feet of tape per day bro.


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