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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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stripped bolts

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So i went to tighten my bauer 7000 blade's and nothing happenes... the steel is still very loose. is there anything i can do with out having to remove the rivits?

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You can take out the steel completely and see if the bolt or the screw parts were stripped (I'm assuming that you have Tuuk Custom+, and you are accessing the bolts through the holes in the skate soles from the inside). You can replace those.

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You can take out the steel completely and see if the bolt or the screw parts were stripped (I'm assuming that you have Tuuk Custom+, and you are accessing the bolts through the holes in the skate soles from the inside). You can replace those.

Yeah i have the Tuuk Custom+, any other ideas anyone? JR?

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Take a very very small metal drill bit and drill out the centre of the stripped screw. Take care to drill straight through the centre. You don't want to drill through the threaded part of the holder. Once you're through use the next size up and drill in the same spot. This should crack the old stripped screw so you can replace it.


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THe only problem with that is that 1) you must make sure you do not overheat the screw because it will deform the holder and 2) that it is locked and doesn't spin because that will deform the holder also.

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does the bolt head turn when you turn the screw? That would mean the nut is rusted on. In that case turn the nut till the bolt head turns sideways in the steel's slot. The get a dremel and slowly, a lillte at a time with a lot of pause time to cool, shave a bit of metal off the rounded bolt head. Then get turn straight, and using a small nail punch, punch the bolt back into the holder till it is free. shake skate till nut/bolt come out the hole.

If the nut is stripped, your screwed. (no pun intended) Sometimes a stripped nut tool from sears can grab it but you are working in tight quarters, not a fun job.

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I was trying to pull my steel to send to Jimmy last night and the same thing happened to me. The socket grabs the nut nicely, but it just turns (no looser or tighter than when I started). It's the bolt in the toe section, so I can't see if the bolt is spinning or just the nut and I really don't see a drill fitting in there. Does anyone have any other tricks of the trade I could try?

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yes, angle the bolts so you can remove the steel. then turn the bolts back to they're original setting, flush with the Tuuk. next, take an awl and PUNCH the bolt, (from the bottom where the steel sits), right through the Tuuk. it might take a couple of times but it should reverse itself right out of the Tuuk, nut and bolt together.

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Wouldn't this process ruin the holder? If the bolt was punched through the tuuk a new bolt would be able to slide back up through as well.

If not, how should I angle the bolt? The nut is just spinning on the bolt (at least I assume since I can't see in there). I tried pulling the steel while turning the socket and the steel isn't coming out.

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It shouldn't ruin it. The hole will get a little bigger, but you can compensate by adding a copper washer between the nut and bolt when you remount the steel. As far as the steel not coming out , start pulling the steel and turn the bolt on the front end to the horizontal position, (not flush), and allow the front end to pop out. Then do the same on the heel end. You hafta give it hell! Bauer is a stubborn company and it shows their products! Do not leave the bolt un-flush with the Tuuk for long or you'll strip the holder. I hope you haven't turned it to many times that you rounded out the hole. Good luck.

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Thanks for the advice, but I couldn't get the bolt to turn. Since the nut was just spinning on the bolt I had to get ahold of the bolt somehow. The only tool I could get into the toe hole was a curved pair of needle nose pliers, which didn't give me a good enough grip to be able to get the 1/4 turn I needed. I ended up taking the skate to the LHS and have the whole tuuk removed and re-riveted. Waste of $15 for a $1 nut/bolt combo.

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I'm sorry I couldn't help more. I would write a nice little e-mail to Nike/Bauer about all the trouble you had! Who knows, maybe they'll compensate you in some way?

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Thanks for the advice, but I couldn't get the bolt to turn. Since the nut was just spinning on the bolt I had to get ahold of the bolt somehow. The only tool I could get into the toe hole was a curved pair of needle nose pliers, which didn't give me a good enough grip to be able to get the 1/4 turn I needed. I ended up taking the skate to the LHS and have the whole tuuk removed and re-riveted. Waste of $15 for a $1 nut/bolt combo.

Not a waste at all if you would have punched it out you would have weakend the holder and therefore possibly had the whole thing fall apart you did the best thing for your situation.

Next time get some extra bolts and an 8mm long socket and you should change them every six months to a year so they dont get rusted and seize like that!

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