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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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best overall curve

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Flaming_June and sgazi are right there is no best overall curve, it's what you find works best for yourself.

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well my friend is jsut starting to play hoceky and i'm trying to help him out so i dont know what curve to tell him to start off with its really just until he gets used to it then i know its perosnal preferance but he need somethign to start off with which is overall good for everythign

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It's personal preference, but for just starting, start small, and then go off into different directions that you think you would like. Basically learn to shoot with a small curve or a straight curve and then experiment.

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Modo is mid-heel, If your friend is a complete newb to hockey then get a straight curve to determine if he is right or left. Then I would say go with a mid curve, mids are good for everything, I would say medium lenght, mid, a little bit of loft, go with a 6 lie then tell him to tape the blade up and tell him to shoot and handle the puck with it, after a few games check the blade to see where its wearing out, if its wearing out at the toe or heel then change the lie, if its wearing out evenly the lie is perfect for u and another thing is that most players get a lot of wear on the heel, that is natural because wehn you skate with your stick on the ice it tends to rest on the heel but you want the blade to rest evenly when you are in a shooting postion. I would say a mid is good, retail mids include: Iggy, Sakic, Recchi,Thorton and there are others but i think iggy is a good one cuz the cruve is not too huge so he can learn to develop the backhnad but iggy only comes in expensive sticks/blades, the next best alternative is praoblly rechhi, its a moderate mid but it will do the trick, after he figures out his shot preference he can specail and move into toe or heel curves depending on his style. I heard that the Modo is popular but not a begginers blade.

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Guest Datsyuk*13
im thinkin also that madano had the best curve

And why would that be?

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You guys are talking like it's his acutal curve, are you referring to the retail pattern or his pro pattern. If you're talking about the pro pattern, what one? I know of three or four he's had in recent years.

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Chadd I'm pretty sure they were talking about retail. Most people don't know his pro patterns.

Yet they continued to reference it as "his" pattern. Obviously you missed my point as well. You don't need to post in every topic by the way.

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Its all personal preference. But I like the Shanahan.

Thats why patterns are pp, I absoulty hate the Shannahan I cant stand it at all, the square toe and its so long. I just simply hate it.

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If your friend is new to hockey then I really can't imagine that his curve is going to be his biggest problem. A Modano is a great curve in a lie 5. Mid-curves are great all-round blades. What the new guy needs is an ABS blade, so he can practice with a ball, and a blade with the correct lie. If the friend is really new then he'll get used to what he practices with and learn from there. The friend needs to learn to skate fluently and then worry about the curve of his stick after he's involved in the play. The Modano is not considered a beginners curve because it is relatively flat, which makes it great for backhands and snap shots, but the lack of curve makes craddling the puck and accepting passes a bit more difficult. The new guy would be better served with the right lie and practice, and as much open ice time as possible.

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