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Playoff Beards

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Is it just me, or is the playoff beard not as popular as it once was?

For my beer league I didn't shave for our playoffs and we won our division. Too bad my NHL team didn't make the cut.

I'm not sure if it's the young guys who can't grow beards, or if are they shaving. Nonetheless I'm seeing a lot of clean faces on the ice lately.

What do you folks think of the tradition? Do you play along?

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It's early. Half of those kids can't grow one.

Now...best playoff beards...Pie Lowry...went well with the uniform...FL or CGY...Bourque looked like a lumberjack.

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Commodore's was filthy a couple years ago.

I try to do it, but it ends up being a mangy chinstrap that you can't even see because it's blonde.

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Commodore's was filthy a couple years ago.

That was a good one because he let his hair grow the entire season as well. They had to keep adjusting his helmet. At the end of the season he shaved his beard and head for charity and said he'd be doing it all over again.

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What I am saying is that he was never clean-shaven like Brodeur behind him...that's why it's cooler when guys like Lowry and Bourque did it because it was a huge difference.

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My favorite is Jordan Leopold from when the Flames went to the finals. He looked like Yukon Cornelius from the Rudolph the Reindeer cartoon!

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Commodore's was filthy a couple years ago.

That was a good one because he let his hair grow the entire season as well. They had to keep adjusting his helmet. At the end of the season he shaved his beard and head for charity and said he'd be doing it all over again.

here in NC where he plays there was an article in the local paper that said he has to use two cups of water to mat down his hair so his helmet can fit on his head :o

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My favorite is Jordan Leopold from when the Flames went to the finals. He looked like Yukon Cornelius from the Rudolph the Reindeer cartoon!

Dude, his beard didn't have anything on Commodore's beard that year.. I mean just look at my avatar. LOL.

Matt Cullen and Rob Niedermayer have some lumberjack beards going.. if they make it farther in the playoffs I nominate them for best beards of the year..

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J.S. Guigerre (sp?) had a pretty sweet one during their run what 3 years ago? Kipper rocked one in the last playoff as well. I imagine its tougher for the goalies with the mask rubbing their face all time, so its good to see them represent.

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We don't have an official "play-offs" over here, but I have noticed that I play (somewhat) better when I have facial hair on me. Must be the extra "bad boy" feeling attached to it. What completely sucks is when I got high-sticked on the chin which resulted in a coupla stitches in memorabilia. The bosses didn't take highly to the fact that I couldn't shave for 3 weeks after the incident. Haha!

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Is anyone else noticing that the ritual hair dyeing is taking over from playoff beards, at least at the junior level? I guess kids that age can't grow beards, so they have to dye their hair, but I gotta say, Marc Fistric's PB is looking pretty damn sweet.

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