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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Apple ad-ver-tease-ments

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Apples look good, are overpriced and we have them in school and its a pain in the ass to get half the things to run, so unless its free, ill stick to this useless pc which never works thanks

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Apples look good, are overpriced and we have them in school and its a pain in the ass to get half the things to run, so unless its free, ill stick to this useless pc which never works thanks

well im assuming you were runnin os9

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Apples look good, are overpriced and we have them in school and its a pain in the ass to get half the things to run, so unless its free, ill stick to this useless pc which never works thanks

well im assuming you were runnin os9

supposedly macs are simpler to use... not if you need to figure out which OS makes it easy to use

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I am saying that os9 based pcs were slow buddy... and yeah, click on apple and then going to about this mac is pretty advanced, i wonder what the unix code is because I dont think you can get there through the GUI, Im pretty sure you have to go through the terminal...

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especially with an intel processor... with a power pc processor, sure, them things were flame throwers... oh them apple engineers... It hasnt been widespread though, and come on, theyve been out for a couple of months, give them at least 6 years to work out the kinks

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I was talking to my uncle last week and he told me that the new Intel Macs run Adobe applications 30% slower than the older models. He had been planning to replace one of the labs at the college with new ones, but not now.

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its because adobe hasnt released an intel nativel version of their software yet. The applicaitons will run, but they will be slower, and not have all of the features. The intel native versions should be avalible in a few months. If he is using these for professional use, he should know this.

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its because adobe hasnt released an intel nativel version of their software yet. The applicaitons will run, but they will be slower, and not have all of the features. The intel native versions should be avalible in a few months. If he is using these for professional use, he should know this.

The college does their purchasing and installations in the summer, they don't do it during the school year.

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Macs are burning people? They shouldn't be running that hot.

Yup, they're running insanely hot and people are calling in being burned by it. Granted you shouldn't really put them on your lap, but they shouldn't get that hot. As of now Apple has no answers either.

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mack knows from experience, nice... they are not runing insanley hot and i have heard of 2 cases of people being burned... every major notebook maker has had a casees of burning their customers

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No, because I was set to order one for myself but a friend told me to wait out for a while because it had problems. All of a sudden they're coming back running hot and making loud 'whirring' noises.

It's also significantly more than two people. I know everyone's going to have their problems but what's pissing people off is Apple's lack of a finite answer.

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id describe it as a whining :). I wouldnt buy any first run hardware, especially a notebook. Always wait at least 4 months before making the dive.

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the best thing about the new "mactels" are that they can run both Windows XP and Mac OS X. Once they fix the heat issue I will probably try to pick up a macbook Pro so I can have a computer with both OS' on it.

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