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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Saw the 12:01 last night... and.... hey, I didnt expect much, I really didnt, but it was a pretty kick ass movie. I am not a big action film fan, but this movie really was pretty good. It was about a two hour and ten minute movie, and I didnt look at my watch at all. Only problem with the movie was that the antagonist was just HORRIBLE. Worst villian ever! I thought Truman Capote was an author, why is he a killing people?

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I think me and a bunch of people might go see it tomorrow night..on account of its my birthday and all.

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They've been showing MI:2 on CityTV, looked decent, so I might go to MI:3. Thanks for the review.

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If it has Tom Cruise there is zero chance I'll be shelling out any cash whatsoever to watch it. I can't stand the guy.

As it should be who wants to see that gay guy on screen anyways

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If it has Tom Cruise there is zero chance I'll be shelling out any cash whatsoever to watch it. I can't stand the guy.


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Did my part to support Scientology :P

Movie itself was okay, standard action movie......enjoyable if you don't think too hard. Although two things bugged me:

- Why keep Ethan alive?

- The implied "This makes Langley (the first movie) look like a piece of cake" and then showing nothing once he gets in the building.

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