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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jesery help?

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This is a major undertaking. I have been looking and looking for Flames jersey for my beer league. I havent been any to find the right sizes anywhere. I need 2 XXL white crested flames jerseys. Any help would be greatly appreciated

thanks in advance

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Is the white crested where the logo is covered by white? Whats so cool about that? Looks really ugly IMO


I think he needs 2 white Flames jerseys that are crested.

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Thats the problem. I cant find any anywhere and was wondering if anyone on here knew by chance of any out there?

You'd be hard pressed to fing a dealer that stocks those, unless perhaps a Calgary area LHS. But any RBK dealer can order them for you. May take 10 days, or longer if not in stock.

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Thats the problem. I cant find any anywhere and was wondering if anyone on here knew by chance of any out there?

You'd be hard pressed to fing a dealer that stocks those, unless perhaps a Calgary area LHS. But any RBK dealer can order them for you. May take 10 days, or longer if not in stock.

Alot of places Ive talked to have the white ones , just not in XXL. And unfortunately I cant fit into an XL. Had a couple places say the had had then when we ordered, they didnt have any in stock. Its just the size that we cant find. Thanks for the help guys.

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