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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Multiple sets of gear

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In the past couple of months, while buying a complete set of gear for the upcoming season in the fall of mens rec, (it will be my first time playing in full pads), I've managed to end up with doubles on a few things. Mainly what happened was when I bought some stuff originally, I later decided that I wanted to get a better quality level of protection than I had originally got. So basically right now I have 2 pairs of gloves, 2 elbow pads, 2 shoulder pads, and 2 helmets. Each extra set is a better quality piece than the first. Should I keep the extra stuff as spares? I will never play more than once in a week. Do some or all of you guys have extra sets of stuff? I was planning on keeping it all, I just do not see any reason that I would use the lower quality stuff? Any thoughts?

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The only equipment I have doubles of are 2 Hockeyjocks and 4 Under Armour shirts. No need for anything else. Some like extras so it's dry if they play often. I always empty my bag and hang my gear so that's not an issue for me.

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if you only play once a week there is really no point in having 2 sets, i suggest you either try to return the stuff or sell it.

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i have two pair of gloves and two pair of skates, i use one for coaching and one for playing. That way my coaches skates and gloves never really smell so i don't have to take a shower after every time i coach.

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One of the guys on your team may be looking for something at some point this season, hang on to them. Then again, I'm a pack rat with half a dozen of some things.

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Throw it in the trunk. There will come a time when you or a comrade forget the one piece.... been there, done that in both cases.


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I have 2 helmets and 2 sets of gloves. 1 helmet has a visor and the other has a cage. Why bother to switch out the protection. Plus, I always keep both helmets in my bag as that seems to be what is forgotten the most by the people I play with. Both sets of gloves are identical since they are my favorites and no longer made.

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I tend to stockpile things I know I'm not going to find anymore. It is why I have two girdles, 7 Flyweight shafts and 4 Carbsters.

Yup, if I find something I like, I usually by a second at the end of the season when it's on closeout. I have brand new elbow pads, shoulder pads, and pants in my basement just waiting until the ones I'm using fall apart. i hate trying to find stuff that works so when I find something, I stay with it.

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