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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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sandle's & shades

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i want a pair of sanles, ia hve my reefs but i uno what size they are & i like sandles small. & i need to get some narley shades. can anyone help,thanks


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I don't know about the company's sizing when compared to Reefs, but I do know that Cobian USA makes a darn fine sandal. Most comfortable one I've ever worn. Been wearing 'em every single day since the middle of April so far. God bless sunny California. As for shades, you can't go wrong with Oakleys.

Cobian's Website: http://www.cobianusa.com/

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^^ If your talking about shades, Gucci's are really nice/stylish. But you have to get a few pairs cause they get boring if you wear em too much. For sandles I suggest Lacoste.

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Those are quite possibly the gayest things I have ever seen why would you ever spend more than 100 on a pair of sandals

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Everyone knows Rainbows smoke every other sandal in the show for every day/beach usage. With regard to $120 Sandals, if you have the $$, what's the big deal. When attending nicer functions over the summer, ie) casual country club events, my lacoste's are $$. What's the difference between $120 for a nice pair of loafers, etc and sandals?

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Reef makes a model caled the Fanning that comes with a churck key so as they put it " you can open your soda bottle". Run from $45-60 depending on what material you get.

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Reef makes a model caled the Fanning that comes with a churck key so as they put it " you can open your soda bottle". Run from $45-60 depending on what material you get.

get some A&F thong sandles and some PRADA or D&G sunglasses. The sandles will run about 50 unless you have an employee discount :D and the sunglasses about $200-300 depending on what style. I'd reccomend going to sunglass hut though, since a lot of online stores sell fakes. Hope that helps.

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Get some gucci slides.

Nicest sandals in the leage, easily.

I saw someone with a pair of slides with the Gucci print across the top of the foot the other day, and have been searching almost endlessly for them since. Unfortunately, I have been unable to find them online anywhere. If anybody can suggest some good sites not called Nieman Marcus or Bloomingdales, I would appreciate it much.


The leather Abercrombie sandals are wide as Hell. If you have narrow feet, like myself, they are terrible. You're right, though, the employee discount is nice...

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