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Hockey Stores in Columbus OH

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I'd also add the rink shops are ok too...and the Play It Again sports has decent selection too...but Hockey Stop by far is the best. Whatcha in town for?

http://www.hockeystopohio.com/ There's the website..if your at the rink by Easton, the shop on Cherrybottom is less than 10 minutes away.

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The Bethel Road location is more centralized in relation to the city, and the people are nicer there as well. IronGhost visits MSH once in a while, he works at that location. His name is Chuck I believe. Good dude.

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Mostly licensed fan apparel, not much equipment at all. In fact (concerning equipment) all I've seen there is warm-ups, practice and authentic jerseys, as well as a few helmets.

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I personally like Center Ice Sports on Westerville Rd (Rt. 3) and 161. It's a small basic shop, but I think the service is better than what you get at HockeyStop.

As for the BlueJacket stuff, I'd call their store (which is what the website tells you to do about game-used equipment).

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Hockey Stop on Bethel Rd and on Cherrybottom

yes that is a great store on bethel road

i used to live there and my friends dad owns it

everyone in the store is very nice and will help you with anything

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SC37, how long have you been playing? I haven't joined a league yet and am looking to get into one in the fall in Columbus. I've been skating once or twice a week for a couple of months, about 45 minutes per session. I can almost skate backwards, can crossover a little. I can stop with both feet (an aggressive snow plow), but I need to try a hockey stop soon. I'm confident I could pull off a hockey stop. I need to learn to get more tilt so I can use my edges better. So, my questions, I've got two:

1. When would you recommend joining a league (for instance, what skills should I make sure I have to play local D-level)?

2. How do you get on a team as an individual in the Chiller leagues?

I have a buddy I played a different sport with, and we both played college ball in that sport (not hockey). He skated once and joined, and said when he jumped the boards to get on the ice the first time he fell on his a$$. I don't want to be "That Guy." My point is, I think we're both good athletes, and I think I pick things up somewhat quickly. I'm not sure if I should go ahead and pad up and sack up, or keep working on my skating until fall. Any help?

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SC37, how long have you been playing? I haven't joined a league yet and am looking to get into one in the fall in Columbus. I've been skating once or twice a week for a couple of months, about 45 minutes per session. I can almost skate backwards, can crossover a little. I can stop with both feet (an aggressive snow plow), but I need to try a hockey stop soon. I'm confident I could pull off a hockey stop. I need to learn to get more tilt so I can use my edges better. So, my questions, I've got two:

1. When would you recommend joining a league (for instance, what skills should I make sure I have to play local D-level)?

2. How do you get on a team as an individual in the Chiller leagues?

I have a buddy I played a different sport with, and we both played college ball in that sport (not hockey). He skated once and joined, and said when he jumped the boards to get on the ice the first time he fell on his a$$. I don't want to be "That Guy." My point is, I think we're both good athletes, and I think I pick things up somewhat quickly. I'm not sure if I should go ahead and pad up and sack up, or keep working on my skating until fall. Any help?

Guy, you'll be fine in the Chiller D leagues. It sounds like you have most of the basics down and should be getting better by Fall. When you're ready in the fall talk to Scott Adamick, his number is on the Chiller Adult League website.

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How do I get on a good team? Meaning, a team that is cool and has the patience, as well as a group who will help me learn the basics well? My buddy played for NGenTech. He said those dudes were really cool with everything but said some other teams take things way too seriously. That would get on my nerves until I moved up a level. D should stand for development, right? ;)

I'm a competitive athlete, but don't really want dudes jumping on my skill level because they'll be playing D for the rest of their lives and are pissed about it.

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yeah, the C1 league has a couple of teams that are jerks as far as placement, Scott just finds a team with an opening to take you onto the team; however, contacting Scott is no gaurantee that you'll get placed on a team. I got lucky when I joined C1 league last season. It depends on the team, but most D (yes for development as well as just being the next letter) probably are pretty cool about things.

If you have anymore questions feel free to PM me, that way this thread can get back on topic.

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SC37, how long have you been playing?  I haven't joined a league yet and am looking to get into one in the fall in Columbus.  I've been skating once or twice a week for a couple of months, about 45 minutes per session.  I can almost skate backwards, can crossover a little.  I can stop with both feet (an aggressive snow plow), but I need to try a hockey stop soon.  I'm confident I could pull off a hockey stop.  I need to learn to get more tilt so I can use my edges better.  So, my questions, I've got two:

1. When would you recommend joining a league (for instance, what skills should I make sure I have to play local D-level)?

2.  How do you get on a team as an individual in the Chiller leagues?

I have a buddy I played a different sport with, and we both played college ball in that sport (not hockey).  He skated once and joined, and said when he jumped the boards to get on the ice the first time he fell on his a$$.  I don't want to be "That Guy."  My point is, I think we're both good athletes, and I think I pick things up somewhat quickly.  I'm not sure if I should go ahead and pad up and sack up, or keep working on my skating until fall.  Any help?

Yeah you can sign up as an individual player with Scott...but it's a first come first serve, and not very many teams take individuals. Honestly, if you woulda lemme know like 3 weeks ago and if you were ready, woulda probably recruited you cause half our team made their own team. But you can lemme know in the fall if you are interested, cause there's usually a few spots to fill. Best thing to do is try to find someone you know and try to find some sorta in with them beucase individual sign ups are pretty open.

As for me, I played cause our college club made a team with a few individual sign ups. First time playing ice hockey winter session after playing roller...though I grew up taking skating lessions(figure skating specfically). Transition was pretty easy for me. I worked really hard on improving, and it was pretty quick to catch up with the D league players. It was mostly the speed of the game as compared to practice and stick and pucks. Getting my butt handed to me during drop-in really helped in getting my play up to another level. Also had to work hard cause I played D a lot, something I never done. The competition ranges on the D division..but there are realllly good teams and really crappy in a division. It's still pretty competitive, but we're out to have fun...sometimes it does get to be reallly serious, just because one team starts being butts so we step it up, etc.

You sound like your getting there. Most guys don't care as long as you are trying and you look like you've improved a little week to week. But we do get ticked if you don't give a crap and pretty much take up space. Had a girl on the team last session like that, didn't try to improve and she isn't back with us this session. But then again...she had issues skating period, and I think my grandma could skate faster than her. But you should be ok. I'd recommend some Learn to Play classes, saw sign ups for that on The Chiller site.

Hope that answers everything...a little long winded..but feel free to PM if you got any questions, and keep in touch cause we might have openings on our team and stuff...maybe this session even if someone gets hurt or something. If you around the rink, stop me if you see me. Rarity to see Asian guys around... and I stick out more cause I'm the skinny tall one :D

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Btw, ever think about taking up goalie? There's a real shortage for goalies so you'd find lots of opportunites to play.

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I probably will JR. Look for a short french guy with a tan from Mexico and still a bit hung over from last week.

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I would love to meet another fellow Modsquader. Im at the Bethel rd location on a daily basis (ask for chuck). I havent been to Center ice yet so i cant comment. The Blueline (nationwide arena) has some pro stock equipment but the one time I tried to check it out the girls working there made it seem like it was the biggest hassle in the world to get someone to go bring the gear up to the store for viewing (its stored away somewhere). Anyways, hope that your stay in C-bus is enjoyable and hopefully myself and Brandonov will see you at the Bethel rd location. If you are going to be in town on the 9th our Nike Bauer rep should be in the building from 11-4 with the one 90 (sizes 6-11 avail to try on). Also I recommend trying to catch a pick up game www.thechiller.com for ice and www.columbusrollerhockey.com for roller.


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Greener or Laper?

He's not just another Modsquader, he's a Mod :) AKA the voice of reason :P I hear Chuck's a big dude...and well, Ponty is not.

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I would love to meet another fellow Modsquader. Im at the Bethel rd location on a daily basis (ask for chuck). I havent been to Center ice yet so i cant comment. The Blueline (nationwide arena) has some pro stock equipment but the one time I tried to check it out the girls working there made it seem like it was the biggest hassle in the world to get someone to go bring the gear up to the store for viewing (its stored away somewhere). Anyways, hope that your stay in C-bus is enjoyable and hopefully myself and Brandonov will see you at the Bethel rd location. If you are going to be in town on the 9th our Nike Bauer rep should be in the building from 11-4 with the one 90 (sizes 6-11 avail to try on). Also I recommend trying to catch a pick up game www.thechiller.com for ice and www.columbusrollerhockey.com for roller.


I will probably be stopping by either tomorrow, Wednesday, or Thursday evening after my gigs.

Do you have any pro stock stuff in a lefty right now?

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