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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Spray Painting sticks

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anyone one have an idea how to spray paint a stick at the bottom ( Stealth ) without it being obvious?and so it wont chip

I use spray paint to finish my repairs on composite sticks...Give it a nice coat or two (one to two second bursts) then use a clear coat finish to seal it.

Post has been edited to remove any contraversial informaiton... :huh:

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I used Krylon Fusion on my UL and it came out great, I layed it on cardboard outside and put down 2 coats and it was good to go.

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Oh, well thats very useful.

Oh, so very sorry tguidon, should I sacrafice all that I invested in my business to make you happy? Don't think so...

I would think that KingJames would appreciate knowing that others do use spraypaint on their sticks. Just because I can't tell him what I use to seal it, doen't make it any less useful informaiton.

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Actually it does make it useless because there are many topics on people who already paint their sticks. It's coming off like someone dropping a name when someone goes "...but I can't say."

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it's not that, it's just don't say something if you have nothing helpful or useful to say.

It's just like a doctor finding a cure for AIDS. Then someone says, hey I have AIDS, can you help me?

Then the doctor says well I know how to cure it, but sorry, I can't tell you because of contractual obligations.

We respect your 'contractual obligations' but do not tempt us with an answer. It's pointless. Reading your post got us no farther than before we read it. We're not saying you should say search, just don't say anything at all unless it helps. Hopefully I don't come across as a dick.

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Hopefully I don't come across as a dick.

Don't worry about it. If you do come across that way, I have something that will fix it....but I can't tell you what it is.

XXXXfix.gif <---------

:P :D

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How to remove black spray paint (regular black spray paint from a home store) from a shaft?

Paint thinner (mineral spirits) and rubbing alcohol would be your best bet, with some elbow grease as well. I have no idea how that would effect the finish on the stick though.

Did you get a stick that was painted and want to restore the graphics or something? You might be out of luck.

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How to remove black spray paint (regular black spray paint from a home store) from a shaft?

Paint thinner (mineral spirits) and rubbing alcohol would be your best bet, with some elbow grease as well. I have no idea how that would effect the finish on the stick though.

Did you get a stick that was painted and want to restore the graphics or something? You might be out of luck.

I want to get rid of the stick which was on the stick i got from a pro return.

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I bought a Synergy II shaft that was spray painted black. Some cotton balls and nail polish remover did the trick in 10 minutes.

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