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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Brett Hull tri-flex

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i found a brett hull tri-flex ops for $90....is this i good price? its brand new and

ive been dying to try his curve. i could of sworn someone on this bord bought one

but i couldnt find it in the search, yes i am a retard and could of missed it ;) but any ways, what do you guys think? is it worth and shot?



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on ebay? we were talking about them a little while ago. might be on the 2nd or third page in the ice hockey equipment section.

Id say go for it, if its not to whippy for you ;)

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You should get the Hull for sure, if you like whippy sticks. If I wasn't left handed I would use Hull's sticks(OPS)

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Only get it if you want the curve in an INT flex. Sounds like it's a senior stick in the normal Bauer INT(77) flex.

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That stick is definitely buyer beware. As good as the TFG ops is, if the retail 87 is incredibly flexy I could only imagine what Hull's is like.... Unless you are small or have great technique it will probably be overkill.

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my last cupple of sticks have been:

true one- 260 flex

true one 300 flex

1100 ops- 260 flex

Synergy grip-100 flex

do you think it will be a huge change in flexes? i liked the inno 300 flex....

im not scared that the flex is said to be whippy but i wanted t see what you

guys think


P.S-Yes i did buy it already :P

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my last cupple of sticks have been:

true one- 260 flex

true one 300 flex

1100 ops- 260 flex

Synergy grip-100 flex

do you think it will be a huge change in flexes? i liked the inno 300 flex....

im not scared that the flex is said to be whippy but i wanted t see what you

guys think


P.S-Yes i did buy it already :P

If you cut your sticks then there shoudn't be that huge a difference. Be prepared to fan a lot until you get used to the blade tho. I speak from experience :P .

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Didn`t Lego buy one of the Hull TFG? Ask him how whippy it is, he`s use alot of differnt flexes adn curves and should be able to help. Also, if he cuts his sticks or not it won`t affect him gettng used to the flex because his othere sticks would be stiffer too. However, I see the logic if he cuts it it will feel less whippy.

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I haven't gotten mine yet, which is why I haven't replied. With my pro TPS sticks, I usually don't have to cut them at all. Actually, they're perfect... I just take out the plug. I'm hoping to get mine tomorrow or friday, but don't play until after the holiday weekend, so I might not post anything about it until next week.

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well, i got the stick today and i must say im impressed :D . the

curve is insane looking but i love it. the flex is intersting as well.

it feels like a 75-83ish flex. i wont get a chance to use it on ice for

a while but do you think it would be fine if i used the stick

for roller hockey tonite? ill give the stick a good workout for the

next cupple of weeks then ill put up a review!


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No whip is more like 70-75. A stiff-whip (pro stock) would be your best bet if you could find one for TPS if you want it like Bauer 87. Otherwise, retail's closest would be the TPS regular.

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If that's going off the OPS and not the shaft, I'm going to say that's because OPS tend to feel flexier than what's labeled on there.

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The Bauer number are very comparable to the Easton numbers. Keep in mind that each stick may vary a bit and be a couple of points high or low. It also seems like every Easton I've picked up lately has been higher than rated. I tried an 85 flex ultralight that I couldn't flex at all.

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