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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dallas Stars Equipment Sale

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Synergy skates were cheap I think, other than that I dont know. Im not sure one what day things are going out as I am setting up on thursday so I get my my pull then.


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yeah..anything between an 90-105 I can use..I think the one i got from Marz last year is a 105..but I've used inno 260's with no issues in the past...a d-man that just slaps the puck up the boards doesn't require much :D

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yeah..anything between an 90-105 I can use..I think the one i got from Marz last year is a 105..but I've used inno 260's with no issues in the past...a d-man that just slaps the puck up the boards doesn't require much :D

Hell, half the time I don't even use my stick! I know exactly what you mean.

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Bumpin' it since the sale is tomorrow. P.S. they ARE NOT adding items Saturday morning, everything will be out Friday. Just got of the phone with the shop manager.

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Well, I was going to be there anyway, but I hope being on a weekday will limit traffic somewhat. I remember the madhouse scenes from a couple years back.

I have a few things to look for, but won't be too broke up if I can't get it since I could stand not to spend the $$.

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If there is any chance on a black RBK helmet large, let me know, probably unlikely but hey you never know....

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I was only able to get Buzz_Lightbeer his sticks. CNT Stealths-gone, Modano Sticks- gone, Daley- only trilage, No good gloves or helmets.

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I got 2 Zubov prostocks and 1 Zubov CNT Stealth for $290. They were taped up, but they didnt look used... that much. and i got a new pair of 1300c's for $300. it was sweet :)

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Asshole- where'd you find the CNT Stealth? Amazing that we were the first 2 in line, yet when we went in there were literally 20 ankle biting bastards that cut in front of us.

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I was pissed at the sale, the only Zubovs that were put out at the sale were some used dolomites and some used CNT's.....for $100 im not buying a used up cut down tar'd up painted up Zubov's. And there were also no easton cable knits. I cried, but at least I made money I guess.


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You are all stronger people than myself. I showed up at 12:10~ish and there was literally OVER 200 people in line just to get into the store area. I decided it wasn't worth the wait and left.

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i went a little later to see if they put anything out in a 2nd wave..but it was pretty useless..although if you wanted to buy 100 or so Stars T's vs the Avs in the 2nd round for $1 each and flip them on ebay..you might make a couple bucks...

even @ $25 I wouldn't buy a Mooterus jersey...

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