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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Crosby's 2006 Team Canada Jersey

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haha, this isn't the one that went missing in the airport was it?

maybe that was the 2005 world juniors one?

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No, this was worn on May 9. Read the description. They are auctioning off the whole team. I just found it listed a few minutes ago.

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Hockey Canada auctions off a bunch of stuff (jerseys, gloves and helmets) from their men's teams from International competitions (World Jr's, Olympics, World Cup and World Championship) to raise $$$ for their program.

Surprised the Crosby jersey is this high already, only 7 hours in and it is at $4050 with over 9 days left. I believe his World Jr. jersey went for ~$2000 last year.

As for the money, if you have it, it could actually be a very good investment...

Lelands (Memorabilia auction house) had an auction last month with several Bobby Orr game used jersey's from the 60's and 70's...check out the prices that they fetched...

Bobby Orr jersey 1967-68

Bobby Orr jersey 1970-71

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Current bid: C $4,050.00

(Approximately US $3,653.59)


End time: May-24-06 08:50:00 PDT (9 days 17 hours)


Holy sh*t!

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It might be a bargain if he continues at this pace in his career. Add in it's also super authentic, i guess serious collectors really have their boats floated by that kind of thing?!

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C $5,555.55

(Approximately US $5,011.77)

Yeah but guys that is an investment. I don't have the money to make this invesment :(

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What's the going rate for a Crosby game used stick?

I remember seeing one on ebay that the guy listed starting at 3,000. I think theres one on now under the memoribilia section.

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Hockey Canada auctions off a bunch of stuff (jerseys, gloves and helmets) from their men's teams from International competitions (World Jr's, Olympics, World Cup and World Championship) to raise $$$ for their program.

Surprised the Crosby jersey is this high already, only 7 hours in and it is at $4050 with over 9 days left. I believe his World Jr. jersey went for ~$2000 last year.

As for the money, if you have it, it could actually be a very good investment...

Lelands (Memorabilia auction house) had an auction last month with several Bobby Orr game used jersey's from the 60's and 70's...check out the prices that they fetched...

Bobby Orr jersey 1967-68

Bobby Orr jersey 1970-71

please dont compare a bobby orr jersey to that of crosby. Anybody watch ESPN classic canada like at 11 pm last night? Hockey legends was on,a nd it was Rod Gilbert. Anyhow he said when he got to the finals against Boston, Boston was one player. Everyone else was on the same level in talent, but Bobby was playing higher than anyone out there. They then showed a replay of him breaking out, hitting center ice, then going back into his own zone, then breaking out again. I mean this man was unreal.

What does crosby have as his claim to fame? an overhyped career.

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its a different nhl and he has only completed one season, at the age of 18, calm down. Orr was great, but in todays game he would wouldnt be the same player he was.

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what are you serious? Orr is the best player of all time. Back then hacking was what got you on a team. He'd light up any NHL at any time. Same goes for the Rocket and Gretz. stick to designer shoes and european man purses, let the men stick to hockey

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Bobby Orr changed the game of hockey from two perspectives: how the game was played and how a defenceman played the game. He was the FIRST defenceman to win the scoring title. Gretzky was amazing, no doubt, but Orr was the first player to change how the game was played.

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Dude you gotta relax with the Crosby hating. It's not like he asked all the media people to hype him up. I honestly dont know what else he can do to not be called overhyped. He's the youngest player to hit 100 points and he did it on an AHL calibur team. With the lack of depth pittsburgh has, Crosby always faced the top D so it's not like he sneaked in those 100 points either. Nobody's saying he's better than Bobby Orr or Wayne Gretzky... but he definately has the potential to be.

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what are you serious? Orr is the best player of all time. Back then hacking was what got you on a team. He'd light up any NHL at any time. Same goes for the Rocket and Gretz. stick to designer shoes and european man purses, let the men stick to hockey

you think gretz would have the same numbers if he bagan his carraer today? Then you my friend are stupid.

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what are you serious? Orr is the best player of all time. Back then hacking was what got you on a team. He'd light up any NHL at any time. Same goes for the Rocket and Gretz. stick to designer shoes and european man purses, let the men stick to hockey

you think gretz would have the same numbers if he bagan his carraer today? Then you my friend are stupid.

Just clear this up for me: Do you think Gretzky would have more or less points starting in today's NewNHL?

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please dont compare a bobby orr jersey to that of crosby. Anybody watch ESPN classic canada like at 11 pm last night? Hockey legends was on,a nd it was Rod Gilbert. Anyhow he said when he got to the finals against Boston, Boston was one player. Everyone else was on the same level in talent, but Bobby was playing higher than anyone out there. They then showed a replay of him breaking out, hitting center ice, then going back into his own zone, then breaking out again. I mean this man was unreal.

What does crosby have as his claim to fame? an overhyped career.

I was never comparing Crosby to Orr...I'm simply stating that it is easy to see how people are willing to pay a fair amount of money now in the hope that the jersey will fetch a pretty penny 30-40 years down the road. I, for one, don't think this will be the case. Maybe they will pay 10k for this jersey today and it will be worth 20-25k in 2046, who knows but it certainly won't be the same as the Orr jersey's I posted above.

I can only assume that in the 60's and 70's the NHL teams only used a few sets of jersey's for the entire year making the Orr jersey very rare and hence the very high price. I gotta think that today they are using a new set every few games, essentially flooding the market. People also didn't know the value of collectables back then where as today people do so you can sure as hell bet that there will be a lot more of these types of things floating around in 40 years.

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Vapour, you don't seem to realize what a stud Orr was. Of course, training has changed nowadays and blah blah blah NHLer's don't have to work in the nickel mines in Northern Ontario like they used to, now they train all year and all that scientific stuff. I realize that. But you have to remember too that there were no expansion teams. NHLer's were the best of the best in the whole gene pool. And Bobby Orr still dominated. Look at the NHL nowadays. Detroit won SO many games against soft teams. It's cause there are so many teams, so many players and they have to put together a roster. But Bobby Orr was playing against pure, undiluted teams. I think that if he was playing today, not only would he have the chance to develop his game better than he did (with the coaching/training) but he would dominate EVEN MORE.

As to the Gretzky thing... sure the league was becoming dilluted when he showed up. But he was the only one to do what he did. If he "took advantage of a soft league" and whatever, they WHY is he the only one to have all the records... he owns scoring and points. You can't take that away from him. And comparing him to guys that WOULD HAVE broken records if they hadn't had reccuring concussions or knee injuries is stupid. Part of being an athlete is holding up to the tough breaks in life... what it takes to be as great as The Great One is 1. put up numbers like he did and 2. put up numbers like he did for as many years as he did. So far no one has come close.

K I've written alot but... stop and think before you detract from the greatness of Phil Espensito and Gretzky and Orr. There is a reason they hold the records that they do ... it's not like they were playing against inept athletes.

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I agree that expansion has diluted the leauge. But in the climate of the game today, with how good goalies have become, and the defensive systems which can shut down entire teams, gretz would never have scored 200+ points in one season. I am not saying Bobby Orr would blend in like camofaluge, but I am saying that in todays game there really arent dominate players like there use to be.

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Ask Mr Bergen Bulldog, your uncle, if Gretzky or Orr(both whom he saw play and loves Orr) would score more today. Let me know his answer. I already asked guys around the rink last night, guys who saw Gretzky play in the 80s, sorry, unlike you, and they agreed with what I thought before I gave them my opinion: today's NHL Gretzky would light it up. Equipment is better for 99 and his teammates. Imagine all the Oilers shooting with OPS!! Red light, red light, red light! New rules this season: watch an old 80s game and see all the holding, hooking, grabbing, and more that Gretzky's linemates had to fight through before they got to the net or caught a pass. 99 with open players passing from behind the net would be deadly today. You may hate him since he's a Devil but as one guy said last night: Brian Gionta can now stand in front of the net and score 47 goals!! Let 99 pass to Cheecho and 56 = 86. BTW, this is all happening at even strength. Now 99 goes to work on the power play. With more penalties being called , just multiply all the PP points he is going to score by 10. It is lights out for any team. The Oilers scored so often on PP that it was a given goal. And this occurred when the refs let everything go!! Now, there would be even more PP points for 99. Next there are more teams to destroy. Put 99 in Detroit's division and there are more 6, 7 point nights x 24 games. His 80s division was tough too with Calgary and Vancouver so he will produce points in any division anyway. The goalies of today are not all equal. Some goalies suck: see St. Louis, Chicago, and the rest of the teams at the bottom of the NHL. Why do they suck? Because there defensive systems and defencemen suck, too. 99 would take total advantage of the dogs of the NHL. The NHL has become what 99 and 66 could only dream about: a more open game without the "garage league" bs that those two guys had to play through every night of their careers. I only wish you could have seen 99 play in the 80s and then you would understand just how great the Great One was.

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