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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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weight has sick skates!

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It's possible he's been using both for a while and just likes the One90's a bit more. I doubt that he would have used the 9K's for so long if he hated them.

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It's possible he's been using both for a while and just likes the One90's a bit more. I doubt that he would have used the 9K's for so long if he hated them.

he could have just fallen for the fit of the One90's.

as far as using them for a while, no. I can with almost absolute certainty say he had not been using One90's until the day i posted that he was. MAYBE the day before he did.

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he's also wearing warrior gloves too now, ditching the eagles

he alternates between teh kingpin and CP94 (i think thats the model)... even during games.

i think both are a eagle glove but one just has the warrior logo on it. like what draper did.

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unless eagle is moonlighting the job and manufacturing the glove for warrior, its not. someone who knows more about the warrior glove may come prove me wrong, but as far as i know its a glove manufactured by warrior for warrior.

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Some guys just had a warrior cuff put on their regular gloves. Draper did this with his eagles. There are warrior made warrior gloves, Kovalev had them....Guerin would be another example of a player that has some weird frankenstein warrior gloves.


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The gloves that Weight has right now are for sure King Pin's not Eagle's with a Warrior cuff like he had earlier in the playoffs.

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