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Stoll's skates?

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so watching the oilers ducks game tonight and i notice jarret stolls vapor xxx's are kinda odd.

he has the silver sfl vapor thing on the inside and outside of his skates.

I find it kind of interesting.

Any comments on why?


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I'm sure it's a pro-stock thing, can't think of anything else it would be. It even seems like a waste of an idea, since you can't easily tell what is there unless you are familiar with the XXX's. Unlike the SyNergy's with bold logos.

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The pros get whatever they want as far as custom made from the skate companies they're endorsing. So you can bet the skates they wear have a few extra little features your regular skate on the market don't carry. Whatever they like they'll get. They advertise the product and its a small price for the skate manufacturers to pay, to get a pro player to give the product high visual exposure. It's marketing and it sells the product. ;)

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Does anyone else find it a little scary that a lot of people on this site can pick out a little tiny sticker of someone’s skate..........a little stocker like don’t you think??? How about that for a topic to talk about. I mean if you were to pick out a sticker on a chicks shoe at a bar, you would get looked at funny, most of that girl’s friends would stay away form you and in many cases IF you tried to take the conversation further you might get maced!! I think all of the NHL stalkers on this site should calm down a touch…..step back, because if that player hasn’t said they love you and want you to play for their team yet…….they probably never will. It’s a part of growing up fellas….you’ll get through the pain one day. :P

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lol see what you mean but it may look like a sticker but it may mean the skate is different it could even be a "prototype" skate but thats EXTREMILY doubtful

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That's true, I highly doubt that Jarret Stoll would be sporting prototype skates, he's not exactly a superstar. And he probably wouldn't wear them in the postseason anyways.

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I mean if you were to pick out a sticker on a chicks shoe at a bar, you would get looked at funny, most of that girl’s friends would stay away form you and in many cases IF you tried to take the conversation further you might get maced!!

I always found it better to analyze the design on the pockets of jeans myself. Or at least its a good excuse if you get caught looking.

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I really dont see how it is even possible to compare looking at a "FAT" chicks shoe in a bar and looking at jarret stolls skates on a hockey rink...

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Yeah pretty sure hockey fans being gear whores is more like... say fashion chicks checking out other girls to see what they're wearing and what's new and hot and stuff. I know they do it my girlfriends have told me that's what girls do, it's like us obsessing over what curve Ingala has or what Ovechkin's skates look like.

Both things are normal. Neither require getting weirded out OR mace. :)

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I guess all of you make a valid point. I dont have time for chicks with school and hockey all at the same time! So what if I look at girls walking around campus on hot sunny days and think....damn she would look tits in a pair of Eric Stolls skates! Even though I do agree with you that I get off looking through countless hockey websites for hockey gear that I wont buy, I will battle you to the death over the fact that you said I was looking at "fat girl's shoes." Ohhh, I shall battle you to the death sir! That what watching In the Army Now, while trying to study Anatomy and physics for my two midterms tomorrow will do to you. And dont say that I should be studying and not typing on this website, cause we all know that you would do the same damn thing! Hippies!

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so watching the oilers ducks game tonight and i notice jarret stolls vapor xxx's are kinda odd.

he has the silver sfl vapor thing on the inside and outside of his skates.

I find it kind of interesting.

Any comments on why?


Everybody's using that new Stealth CNT...

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while trying to study Anatomy and physics for my two midterms tomorrow will do to you.

Midterms? In May?

If you think we obsess about Jarret Stoll's skates, its a good thing you weren't here during the Olympics when we picked apart AO's holders!

Anybody know the percentage of helmets with NikeBauer logos against the helmets with just the Bauer logos? Just wondering.........

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I guess all of you make a valid point. I dont have time for chicks with school and hockey all at the same time! So what if I look at girls walking around campus on hot sunny days and think....damn she would look tits in a pair of Eric Stolls skates! Even though I do agree with you that I get off looking through countless hockey websites for hockey gear that I wont buy, I will battle you to the death over the fact that you said I was looking at "fat girl's shoes." Ohhh, I shall battle you to the death sir! That what watching In the Army Now, while trying to study Anatomy and physics for my two midterms tomorrow will do to you. And dont say that I should be studying and not typing on this website, cause we all know that you would do the same damn thing! Hippies!


that post may well be the funniest thing ill ever read. "I will battle you to death sir"


thanks for making my day.

and dont tell me about anatomy tests because anyone who is of that intelligence and spends thousands of dollars on post secondary wouldnt come here and "battle someone to death."

come on now.

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