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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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anyone know why easton did this?

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The way I understood the contest...The "contest" portion of the game only lasts 3 hands. Any hands that are played after that are just for fun.

You guys looking for tips are probably out of luck already.

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Well I played the game about 4-5 months ago. I played maybe 10 times if that. I don't remember ever winning a hand. Today I got one of those mysterious boxes on the porch. I thought it was a stick I had ordered and I opened it and started to pull it out, it was the wrong stick. I started cursing at it untill I pulled it all the way out and realized it was an autographed Joe Sakic '02 synergy with the z-tac coating! I don't remember ever winning but hey FREE STICK!!!

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i come home today and see a package from easton on my doorstep, it had a synergy that was autographed by roenick. i have no clue how i got it or why easton sent it to me. did they have some sort of contest that i completely forgot about? i was shocked but happy....

Chalk up another one....

I got home today and waiting for me....

A Brand New Synergy ST with Roenick's Autograph right across the blade!!


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yeah i played the poker game right after i read this thread, i never won but today in the mail was an autographed sakic synergy.

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The way I understood the contest...The "contest" portion of the game only lasts 3 hands. Any hands that are played after that are just for fun.

You guys looking for tips are probably out of luck already.

holy crap i guess im the only one who hast won yet! i never win tho so its not a suprise to me.

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The way I understood the contest...The "contest" portion of the game only lasts 3 hands.  Any hands that are played after that are just for fun. 

You guys looking for tips are probably out of luck already.

holy crap i guess im the only one who hast won yet! i never win tho so its not a suprise to me.

i havent won

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I WON haha. That was like the 1millionth hand ive played. It doesnt do anything special if you win right? For you guys that got the sticks, did you get the stick of the favorite player you put down?I mean I know im not guarenteed a stick by ANY means, but i was curious

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I just went to my door and found a stick too.... an autographed roenick synergy stick with limited edition USA 2002 graphics. Ive never won anything before im soo excited.

Didyou put him asyour favplayer?

Did you win the card game?

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Sorry i cant maybe in the future though because my digital camera is broken and my neighbor just left on a trip and i used her camera to take my glove photos..if i won yesterday i couldve lol.... And i dont even remember if i put him as my fav player or not but i think i did win it was a while ago and like 2 in the morning.

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I just got mine today too! Nice silver Synergy with JRs auto! I played the game about 5 months ago...Thought I'd been con'd into playing a lame poker game without a reeal prize.

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I just got mine today too!  Nice silver Synergy with JRs auto!  I played the game about 5  months ago...Thought I'd been con'd into playing a lame poker game without a reeal prize.

Was yours a USA 2002 edition to?

Mine was not the 2002 USA Edition...

Easton will send whatever they feel like, hell it could have been a t-shirt!.

I am plenty happy getting a stick auto'd by my favorite player! This stick is going up on the wall with my other JR goodies. (White Hawks Jersey and 8x10)

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Does anyone know if there's a way to skip the "sweet" part? Cause that reeeeally annoys me.

"what's up?"

"What's up man?"



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