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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf $$$$

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So I'm searching the net for a new pair of Grafs and I see the prices have gone up anywhere from $25-$50.00 for their skates in the last 2 weeks. Whats this all about? Is it that they have changed them some how or are they just an aragent company BEGING to go out of biz. Dont get me wrong I love their skates but for these prices I can get a new pair of KOR, One90's or Easton 1500's...... Someone please explane...

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I don't know where you live, but if it is near Toronto, I just got a pair of 735's with T-Blades on Clearance for $299 regular $599. :D All the Grafs with T-Blades were on clearance.

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I don't know where you live, but if it is near Toronto, I just got a pair of 735's with T-Blades on Clearance for $299 regular $599. :D All the Grafs with T-Blades were on clearance.

No way! They never made the G5 with tblades did they? Where did you get them at?

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I've always thought Grafs where overpriced skates from the get go. They are a quality product however I just can't justify their prices. Trouble is now all the manufacturers are asking $599 (CDN) and up for top of the line skates. Looks like Graf just upped the ante' again. Good grief when will it stop! :angry:

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Buy a pair of Kors. I haven't been able to afford Grafs since I was making the Big Bucks (in High School).

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I live in AZ and there is no where out here that sells them. I would like to try them on before dropping 5 bills. Any suggestions?

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Buy a pair of Kors. I haven't been able to afford Grafs since I was making the Big Bucks (in High School).

I live in AZ and there is no where out here that sells them. I would like to try them on before dropping 5 bills. Any suggestions?

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i don't know how you can say grafs are so expensive. here in nova scotia, everywhere i've been the 700 series have been $399-459 cdn. pretty cheap compared to the $699 price tags on other companies high end skates.

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i don't know how you can say grafs are so expensive. here in nova scotia, everywhere i've been the 700 series have been $399-459 cdn. pretty cheap compared to the $699 price tags on other companies high end skates.

Excatly. Even the G-Series is $599ish for the most part i've seen around here. Thats what i paid for my G3's. I think paying $500-$600ish before taxes is a saving compared to what One90's, XXX's retail for before taxes.

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I don't know where you live, but if it is near Toronto, I just got a pair of 735's with T-Blades on Clearance for $299 regular $599. :D All the Grafs with T-Blades were on clearance.

No way! They never made the G5 with tblades did they? Where did you get them at?

I got them at "Just Hockey Source for Sports". No G5 but the G35 with T-Blades were $399.

Just Hockey Website

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I've always thought Grafs where overpriced skates from the get go. They are a quality product however I just can't justify their prices.

One factor in price is they are not made off-shore.

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I called some online hockey store a couple of days ago to check on the One90 price, and they quoted me 519.99.

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I've always thought Grafs where overpriced skates from the get go. They are a quality product however I just can't justify their prices.

One factor in price is they are not made off-shore.

I can except that as a good reason. However I just dont understand if the skate hasnt changed then why has the price gone from $480 to $520.00. It just seems a bit excessive.

The new G5 Ultras are different and I can understand that but the G3 has not unless I'm mistaken. Also, why has the price of the G9 remained the same?

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this may have been discussed before, but i saw a pair of 705's in the store the other day with a composite outsole, and not like the one on the g-series. it was smooth and rounded around all the edges, very nice-like. have these outsoles been put on all the 700 series?

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You mean the clear plastic one?

it may have been plastic, but it didn't appear clear...it was more gray/black, like the color of eastons ultra graphite blade.

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