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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NBH One90

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inlinewarehouse, or icewarehouse.com has them for 530, thirty something.. and 5 percent off if you pre-order.. so thats like 500 dollars for them.. best price

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Our sample skate in the shop has the price tag 599 US on it. I'm guessing it will go down as that is usually the case when we actually get them in stock.

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I guess this just goes to show that people should not rush to get them...Look around, and you will save $$$

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Does anyone have any idea about supply. I have a pair on order at my LHS and I was told there's a chance I might have to wait. I was told the initial run is 3500 pair and there are over 9000 pre orders for them. I have now idea what bauers pecking order is but it sounds like my LHS is on the bottom of the list. I was quoted 300 for the juniors. Also June 1 is just 4 days away, is this still and accurate release date for these skates?

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I got to see the pricelist for my new lhs (which opens in a week or 2) and they'll be selling one90's for $499 usd.

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That is if he receives them. Demand is high, supply is low. I would suggest buying this skate, if you want it, where ever and when ever you see it. No shop will have their stock for long and fill-in orders will be impossible. This is years of experience talking. This scenario is a bit easy to predict actually.

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Do you think large places like Hockey giant and epuck will go out of stock for a while aswell?

Production will not be able to keep up with demand from dealers. Big or small, when you are out of stock, you are out of luck.

My rep gave me some production/orders numbers last week. The orders numbers are way higher than production. This is a Canadian made skate so NBH will be able to keep the product in the pipeline, unlike skates made overseas. However, these skates are a 10-14 day process from start to finish. The skates pass through many hands in the production process and there are only so many machines and so many people who can do the work. Also, the NBH people are keeping QC tight as they want finished product to be excellent. This can hold up the production when there are errors along the way.

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I got to see the pricelist for my new lhs (which opens in a week or 2) and they'll be selling one90's for $499 usd.

No way. Not that cheap, sorry. And if it is, they won't be in business for long.

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