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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Movie Title

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Im trying to remember the name of a movie here and its really pissing me off. lol. Its about racism in the south. A young black girl gets raped and killed by some white guys. Knowing nothing will be done her father waits in the courthouse for the mans hearing and shoots him. THe rest of the movie is about the trial of the man and whether or not he was legally insane with rage at the time. i remember the key climax moment being the white lawyer at the end says "imagine a girl is beaten, and then raped, then she is killed, and thrown off a bridge, Now. Imagine that girl was white"

Can anyone help me out with a title or actor or sumthing here? thx

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Samuel L. Jackson plays the father....at one point, the lawyer presses him..."did they desrves to die...?"

He comes back in (CLASSIC) Sam Jackson style....

"Yes, they deserved to die, and I hope they burn in Hell"

That is a great movie.

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I saw it in the theaters when it was released and I normally don't like lawyer type movies but this was a good one. Who would ever think that Jack Bauer would be capable of doing something like that. :P Another one I liked around that same time was the one with Meg Ryan being a captain or helicopter pilot that got left behind by her fellow troops. I can't remember the name of that one.

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Read the book. Much better.

You know what I enjoyed about the movie? No reading. Took me two hours, then I took a nap.

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Read the book. Much better.

You know what I enjoyed about the movie? No reading. Took me two hours, then I took a nap.


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