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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dream Jobs

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i would love to design hockey gear... i'm supposed to go to UNCC to study engineering, but i'm "hoping" to get lucky and go to alaska fairbanks and study there...

but i would rather play for the leafs and kick some senaturds ass.

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Make the show or some level of professional hockey


NHL Goal Judge (guy who sits behind the net and presses the red button) - sounds like the best job ever!

That would be the worst job EVER! :P


Stanley cup finals game 7 Over time last 10 seconds you see a shot coming in.......then you sneeze!

You dont see it and all the players are cheering and everybody is looking at you!

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Make the show or some level of professional hockey


NHL Goal Judge (guy who sits behind the net and presses the red button) - sounds like the best job ever!

That would be the worst job EVER! :P


Stanley cup finals game 7 Over time last 10 seconds you see a shot coming in.......then you sneeze!

You dont see it and all the players are cheering and everybody is looking at you!

replay on the tv

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Make the show or some level of professional hockey


NHL Goal Judge (guy who sits behind the net and presses the red button) - sounds like the best job ever!

That would be the worst job EVER! :P


Stanley cup finals game 7 Over time last 10 seconds you see a shot coming in.......then you sneeze!

You dont see it and all the players are cheering and everybody is looking at you!

replay on the tv

And have a closeup of you on TV calling it a goal infront of Millions of viewers worldwide and then them proving you wrong sounds like such a cool job! :D

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Helicopter pilot <---

But I won't even try to pursuit it, either I don't have enough self-confidence or I'm just beeing realistic.

But man I would love to do it for a living.

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Fuck dreams.  It just sets you up for disappointment.


What happened -- got fired?

Working in retail is not a dream for me, so no, I was not fired.

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Id love to own a hockey shop someday. And being a broadcaster or radio host also seems interesting.

yea same dude id love to do radio or tv broadcasting

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