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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dolomite, fused or true 1 piece

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Is the Dolomite a fused stick or is it a true one piece? I know their webstie says uni-body, so what does that make it? The 1100 and starskie are suppose to be the same stick but the 1100 was fused. :rolleyes:

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sorry i was just confused when i read this

The Dolomite features compression-molded constrcution with a Prepeg Graphite blade...delivering great response and durability. Seamless Energy Transfer with its unibody construction, at only 425 grams, eliminates the artificial stiffness created by the overlapping joint of fused sticks. The energy transfer is smoother and quicker, resulting in a lightning fast shot release. Precision Prepeg fiber orientations minimize torque...giving you superior shot accuracy. Computerized foam injection process creates a sharp, natural feel, which you should expect, in today's high performance composite products.

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ya, i can see a paint crack on the fuse point on mine, so fused. o ya, i guess its just advertisemnent now that compels companies to use the technical, more complex terminology.

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I am interested in buying a Dolomite, but im not sure if I should get the tapered shaft/blade combo or the ops. Do both versions feel the same? Do they weigh the same and perform the same? Also, I saw in another thread that someone said Warrior's tapered blades are longer than Synthesis blades, how much longer are they?

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well if unibody is still a fused stick that means then that so are the stealths. they claim to be unibody as well.

Does that mean the Bauer XXX-lite is not a true one piece either ?

"Monocomp Stick Technology: True one-piece design"

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Dolomite's are fused, as are Stealth's (just in a bit of a non-traditional way). XXX's are True One Piece's (a'la True one).

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Dolomite's are fused, as are Stealth's (just in a bit of a non-traditional way). XXX's are True One Piece's (a'la True one).

But still not the same as a Busch.

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But still not the same as a Busch.

Good call - the first True One Piece...

The Balance was a beast....

I still have a Sher-Wood Carbone (Busch) around here somewhere......

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I think RBK's and CCM's are made like woodsticks....to they are made abit different than inserting a blade into a shaft, but still are multiple pieces put together.

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I take it that Innovative's "True 1" was a true one-piece. But what replaced it in the Warrior lineup? The Mac Daddy?

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so the winwell g500, that are actually repainted bauer XXX's, are "true" one pieces then too. hmm...

the Mac Daddys are aparently exactly the same as the Vapor XXX light..

made in the same place just sprayed differently.


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