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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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If price does not matter- Synergy II or Z Bubble

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is the answer to this question as simple as your PP for standard or tapered sticks?

i have never used either. Changing from a OPS to a 2PS. So PP is N/A

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The Synergy II will perform closer to yor old OPS than the Zbubble. The biggest benefit of a tapered shaft is that it gives you the performance of a OPS but with the flexibilty to switch blades. Personally I would go with the Synergy II. However, not all hockey shops carry a good selection of tapered blades. If your LHS doesn't carry a lot of tapered blades, then I would go with the Zbubble.

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Go for the Synergy II. I have heard and seen people snap the Z-bubble right at the "focus flex". The synergy II will gove you better performance. It's all personal preference, but I'd go with the Synergy II.

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i am also considering the synergy 2.

i want that or the stealth cnt

More expensive, but the CNT I have is the best performing stick I've ever used hands down.

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I think Im the only one that likes Z-bubbles. Ive had my two grip bubbles since later 2004 and they are holding up great. Get the bubble, you dont have to worry about blades that way.


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this raises an issue that i myself have been wondering about:

now that you've decided to go tapered shaft over standard shaft, is the synergy II the best one out there? i've read a few threads on the topic and it seems that the synergy II (or previously the Synthesis) is not the preferred choice...i've read a lot of good things about the Dolomite (best feel?) and the R2 XN10 (most power?)

Is there any concensus on which may be the best?

Synergy II: 300g (305g with grip)

Dolomite: 310g w/grip

R2 XN10: 265g no grip

R2 XN10 Armor Control: 335g w/grip

Vapor XV: 285g w/grip

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this raises an issue that i myself have been wondering about:

now that you've decided to go tapered shaft over standard shaft, is the synergy II the best one out there? i've read a few threads on the topic and it seems that the synergy II (or previously the Synthesis) is not the preferred choice...i've read a lot of good things about the Dolomite (best feel?) and the R2 XN10 (most power?)

Is there any concensus on which may be the best?

Synergy II: 300g (305g with grip)

Dolomite: 310g w/grip

R2 XN10: 265g no grip

R2 XN10 Armor Control: 335g w/grip

Vapor XV: 285g w/grip

i love my dolomite. int 70 flex with grip.

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this raises an issue that i myself have been wondering about:

now that you've decided to go tapered shaft over standard shaft, is the synergy II the best one out there? i've read a few threads on the topic and it seems that the synergy II (or previously the Synthesis) is not the preferred choice...i've read a lot of good things about the Dolomite (best feel?) and the R2 XN10 (most power?)

Is there any concensus on which may be the best?

Synergy II: 300g (305g with grip)

Dolomite: 310g w/grip

R2 XN10: 265g no grip

R2 XN10 Armor Control: 335g w/grip

Vapor XV: 285g w/grip

i'll let you know. Im a picky bastard when it comes to my gear. Esp sticks!

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doesnt the zbubble incorporate tapered technology into a standard shaft??

actually yes it does, because i know guys who broke it at the standard area and made it into a tapered shaft

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A buddy of mine on my team broke his first Synergy 2 on his 3rd shot, got a replacement and broke that one by the end of the first practice. If I were buying a tapered shaft, I'd probably shop around before settling on the Synergy 2 shaft. I've heard good things about the XV and Dolomite, and my friend's RBK 6k lasted all season.

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I dunno, i just recently bought a z bubble and i love it. Sometimes i find a lot of the ops especially my stealth is almost too light. But if you're looking for performance, then the syn II would be better but yes, blades would be harder to come by. But then again, you're ordering online so no problems with that. I'd say look into some other tapered shafts like the dolomite and xn10 or even some inno 1100 tapered ones.

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Personally I would go for the Zbubble just so I could put the CNT blade in it. I think the difference between a CNT blade and a normal easton foam blade is like night and day. I wasn't really impressed with the feel of my old Synthesis.

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I'm eager to give the grip 85 flex Synergy II a try. I've been using my Synthesis 85 non-grip for the past few years and liked it enough that I wanted another Synthesis shaft but with grip and concave handle shape. Easton has never had grip on an 85 flex tapered shaft in the past so this is nice to see. Yeah, I know you've bought your shaft already but I'll voice my 2 cents all the same. ;)

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from what i've heard(which could be wrong) the synthesis blades are more durable than the new synergy II blades. I would have figured they'd be the same thing but apparently not.

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I personally love the zbubble/zcarbon combo..

I haven't used the synth yet, but I have played with a broken synergy..

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