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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Stranger

So...I almost died today....

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Mind sharing where donegal is near? Like a major city or where in Ireland?

Donegal is the northernmost county in Ireland. Its part of the Republic, and its in Ulster, Donegal, Cavan and Monaghan are 3 counties in Ulster that are part of the Republic of Ireland, Derry, antrim, down, armagh, fermanagh and tyrone are the other 6 counties that make up northern Ireland, under british rule.

Its about as far away from dublin as anywhere. I am from letterkenny, a town about 20 minutes from the border with northern ireland. Close to derry city, and about an hour and a half from belfast

Here is a map with donegal highlighted


most people usually avoid the north because of the troubles, but there is some great stuff to see up there

Was south of dublin. Near the Dromoland Castle for two nights and someother hotel for the rest of the week. It is a relaly nice course, it's in the Tiger Woods games I am pretty sure.

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In BC, people would die all the time coming back from raves. I never did, but I guess that's almost dying.

Once I woke up on my motorcycle doing 75 miles an hour down I-75 heading towards Detroit with my front tyre about a foot from the back bumper of a semi trailer. There was a trucker in the lane next to me and he was LAYING on the horn. I'm pretty sure that if I had moved 8 inches up I would have been thrown under the other truck and GAME OVER.

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Once I woke up on my motorcycle doing 75 miles an hour down I-75 heading towards Detroit with my front tyre about a foot from the back bumper of a semi trailer. There was a trucker in the lane next to me and he was LAYING on the horn. I'm pretty sure that if I had moved 8 inches up I would have been thrown under the other truck and GAME OVER.

woah, how do you fall asleep on a motorcycle? no offense intended, but I always thought that the POINT of riding a motorcycle was to "savour the moment" or something...how would you turn...or balance for that matter while you're asleep?

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Once I woke up on my motorcycle doing 75 miles an hour down I-75 heading towards Detroit with my front tyre about a foot from the back bumper of a semi trailer. There was a trucker in the lane next to me and he was LAYING on the horn. I'm pretty sure that if I had moved 8 inches up I would have been thrown under the other truck and GAME OVER.

woah, how do you fall asleep on a motorcycle? no offense intended, but I always thought that the POINT of riding a motorcycle was to "savour the moment" or something...how would you turn...or balance for that matter while you're asleep?

It was 4 AM and I wasn't savouring the moment at ALL. Although I do love riding, at this point I was just coming from a buddy's wedding and I had to make it to Detroit for classes at 8 AM. And I had been riding for about 10 hours already. And hadn't slept in several days (the whole bachelor party thing was pretty non-condusive to sleep).

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I once two-wheeled a forklift

I've tipped a forklift...long story, but I wasn't hurt.


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when i was in junp school on my 2nd jump my static line refused to relase so i'm bouncing face first into the read of a c-130 at at 2500ft. finally the jumpmaster realizes whats going on and cuts my static line and i had to pull the reserve shute.

another time we were jumping from around 32-33,000 feet and my buddy starts grabbbing at his chest. so i fly to him and tackle him so i can help him. he ends up blacking out at this point i had to hook him to me because he can't pull his chute. well i almost forgot to disconnect his pressure altimider(releases the chute automaticly).. if i had not done so we would of had to streamers (chutes that fail to open). we finally get on the ground, he get taken to the hositpal. at the hostipal we find out he had a massive heart attack. he ended up getting a medical discharge from the marine corp shortly after he recovered

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Being stuck under a laser 2 sailing boat that had turtled wif ropes tangled around my neck so i cdnt get above water or get to the lil air pocket in what was the footwell, my cousin saved me and pulled me up i was bright blue and virtually unconscious. I had an interesting review of my life history though....

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Being stuck under a laser 2 sailing boat that had turtled wif ropes tangled around my neck so i cdnt get above water or get to the lil air pocket in what was the footwell, my cousin saved me and pulled me up i was bright blue and virtually unconscious. I had an interesting review of my life history though....

Not being a smartass but did you have any of that "near death experience" like floating above your body or something similar?

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Being stuck under a laser 2 sailing boat that had turtled wif ropes tangled around my neck so i cdnt get above water or get to the lil air pocket in what was the footwell, my cousin saved me and pulled me up i was bright blue and virtually unconscious. I had an interesting review of my life history though....

Not being a smartass but did you have any of that "near death experience" like floating above your body or something similar?

Not meaning to sound gay, but yes. I saw my blue lifeless body throught water as if i were 10 feet away, going further and further. Then my cousin pulled me up and pounded my chest to get the water out, then i woke up and had asthma attack :blink:

It's wierd your life flashes before your eyes, up until where you are and its like you're floating away from your body.

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Got robbed at gun point when I was a teen. Wasn't really that scared when it happened though.

About 2 years ago some asshat drove a U-haul truck into the living room of my apartment while my wife and I were watching TV. It knocked out a 6'x3' window frame across the room and dumped a wall on top of me. I was sitting on the side of the couch that was furthest away from the window so I only got cuts and bruises from the wall debris but the cops on scene said if I was sitting any closer to the window, the frame would have hit me square and probably killed me. I guess the worst part of the whole thing was that we were moving into our new house and had just got married so a lot of our shower and wedding gifts got destroyed along with a lot of my hockey gear that was drying on a rack by the window. Had to replace the gear on my own since U-Haul's insurance company wasn't in a hurry to pay us for the damage their truck caused and I didn't want to wait. Good thing since we still haven't resolved this over 2 years later.



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Got robbed at gun point when I was a teen. Wasn't really that scared when it happened though.

About 2 years ago some asshat drove a U-haul truck into the living room of my apartment while my wife and I were watching TV. It knocked out a 6'x3' window frame across the room and dumped a wall on top of me. I was sitting on the side of the couch that was furthest away from the window so I only got cuts and bruises from the wall debris but the cops on scene said if I was sitting any closer to the window, the frame would have hit me square and probably killed me. I guess the worst part of the whole thing was that we were moving into our new house and had just got married so a lot of our shower and wedding gifts got destroyed along with a lot of my hockey gear that was drying on a rack by the window. Had to replace the gear on my own since U-Haul's insurance company wasn't in a hurry to pay us for the damage their truck caused and I didn't want to wait. Good thing since we still haven't resolved this over 2 years later.



that is crazy wicked man! and you even got photos!


good thing about you not getting clipped by the window frame

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Yeah it was really surreal when it happened; it didn't really register until a couple of days later. The cool part is how many people can say they got hit by a truck on their couch?

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...Good thing since we still haven't resolved this over 2 years later.



How can it be TWO YEARS to resolve something when you've got pictures like that as evidence...it's not like they can discredit the damage caused!

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Good thing since we still haven't resolved this over 2 years later.

Please tell me you have at least consulted with an attorney if not out right hired one by now.

But yeah this kind of thing can take forever. I was in an auto accident my senior year in high school where I injured a class mate, a few inches one way or the other and I might have killed her, but it took almost 4 years before it finally went to court and we got the mess all straightened out. Insurance companies just love to wrangle.

I have found the one sure fire way to get money from an insurance company...work for them.

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:lol: In a past life I used to drive a tow truck in the city -at that time it was considered an "open chase" city. We used to listen to police scanners and when an accident was broadcast it was a race to the accident meaning the first truck to the scene signed up the tow. As a result lots of competetion for business. Led to many memorable instances such as:

1.Coming off of a ramp in a tow truck @85mph with the perfect line in the corner only to discover a stalled Buick in the middle of the ramp=sliding sideways in a perfect drift only to bounce the left quarter off a guardrail and putting the truck on two wheels on the right then the left.

2.Hooking up a stalled Lincoln in the # 1 lane of the highway at 3:00am only to have some clown plow into the Lincoln at 70mph with no braking=Launching the Lincoln over the truck for about 175 feet into the oncoming lanes with a pickup hitting the Lincoln head on only to send it back into the front of the tow truck with myself,my wife and the owner of the stalled car inside - SHIIIIT!!!

3.Sitting at an accident scene on an icy overpass only to have a fire truck responding to the accident slide into the tow truck and knock the front wheels of the tow truck off of the overpass with myself and future wife in the truck.

4. Getting to an accident scene only to have another companies driver want to fight you for the tow=I've had numerous knives pulled on me and threatened to slash my throat etc. Now you know why I always carried concealed.

5. Being involved in 4 episodes of gunplay with other companies.

I used to do repossesions also which got interesting quickly....

1.Laying on my back to hook the car only to feel the barrel of a shotgun on my throat.

2. Being chased down the highway at 70+ while the owner of the car you just popped is taking pot-shots at you.(this happened more than once.)

Also led to some funny as hell stuff

Hooking up a big Chevy truck that was lifted with huge tires on it that was parked under a carport only to take the carport with us!!

Going to a rearender accident to find the gal who rear ended the car in front of her with perfect lipstick on her lower lip and half of her upper and then it went up the side of her face(wanna guess what she was doing when she a-holed the car in front of her?) :lol:

Going to a motorcycle accident to see the rider with just cuts and bruises sitting on the guardrail stark naked? He had leathers on and when he tumbled on the asphalt it stripped every stitch of clothing off of him!! :o

Glad I dont do it anymore-it was a fun way to make money and not have a job but no future in it

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I never had any type of "life flash before my eyes" type moment through the times that I've come close to getting the lights turned off. I guess everything happened so fast that you dont have time to think or reflect. I do know that when in a situation that is of a critical type I become very aware of everything around me and very calm-no panic or freaking out-just deal with the situation.

The thing that always struck me as odd is the fact that the first thing you do is laugh your ass off after being in a critical situation that you barely survive.

I think that is how we as humans are wired to deal with a situation that if we took it differently we would go into shock as an aftermath.

Definitely has led to some unforgettable memories though.

I still keep in touch with a couple buddies that I went through some shit with and it definitely is a bond like no other. With my dad being a WWII vet and cousin a Vietnam vet I can understand that bond that those guys develop although what I have been through is nothing compared to them.

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