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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tacks vs Vectors & Rbk

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My LHS proclaimed last night that Vectors and Rbk are wider than Tacks, I always thought it was the other way around???

Have Rbk's atm but need a new boot as the pump on my right foot blew out. (2nd pair, 1st also blew out on the right foot...)

I'm trying to avoid pumps, and liked the feel of the Vector boot slightly more. (it felt more snug in the mid-section)

So to clarify, is it:


Tacks < Vectors < Rbk


Vectors < Rbk < Tacks

Thanks in Advance.

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The RBK's are wider across the midstep of the skate. I think they have the same toe-cap as the tacks though (don't quote me on that, I could be wrong).

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Vectors < Rbk < Tacks

If you mean than Tacks are wider than Vectors, cause I know that they are.

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Any word on the depth of these 3 boots? I'm currently skating in Vectors and I get pain around the sides of the arches...I suspect that these boots are not deep enough.

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Any word on the depth of these 3 boots? I'm currently skating in Vectors and I get pain around the sides of the arches...I suspect that these boots are not deep enough.

My two cents from what I've heard...but I'm no expert...I only play one on the internet:

- Tacks are the widest and the most shallow.

- Vectors are in the middle.

- Rbks are as wide as Vectors but they are deeper. (Don't confuse that as being equal to the really deep skates on the market though.)

This sounds like a topic for JR or Chadd as this conversation has come up before but I don't recall it coming to a conclusion as there was a lot of "I think....maybe....I'm not sure but..."

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This sounds like a topic for JR or Chadd as this conversation has come up before but I don't recall it coming to a conclusion as there was a lot of "I think....maybe....I'm not sure but..."

yep, that's why i posed the question again :ph34r:

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I felt the vectors were MUCH narrower compared to Tacks, I couldn't cram my foot in a any pair of vectors I tried, but 10.5E tacks fit great. Can;t speak to RBKs as I didn't try them on, but Tacks are definately wider than Vectors.

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The RBK's are wider across the midstep of the skate. I think they have the same toe-cap as the tacks though (don't quote me on that, I could be wrong).

Yeah, the RBK:s has the wider midfot feature and is also the deepest fiting. Better suited for people with high insteps compared to the Tacks/Vectors which is pretty shallow.

They come in three different widths (retail top of the lines), so they should be more or less suited to everyone. I have narrow feet and use the Pro Tacks in a C/A width, and they fit very snugly on my feet.

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Any word on the depth of these 3 boots?  I'm currently skating in Vectors and I get pain around the sides of the arches...I suspect that these boots are not deep enough.

My two cents from what I've heard...but I'm no expert...I only play one on the internet:

- Tacks are the widest and the most shallow.

- Vectors are in the middle.

- Rbks are as wide as Vectors but they are deeper. (Don't confuse that as being equal to the really deep skates on the market though.)

This sounds like a topic for JR or Chadd as this conversation has come up before but I don't recall it coming to a conclusion as there was a lot of "I think....maybe....I'm not sure but..."

Sounds to me like you got it right

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When someone says a skate is "deep fitting" what exactly does that mean?

i was just going to ask the same thing.

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The Kors are "deep fitting" Meaning that your foot goes down very snugly, leaving a lot of boot to cover the sides of your foot up. Usually this will change the way the laces look. You can tell how deep a boot is by how wide across the laces are when they are tied correctly. If you measure across the width of the laces, the wider that is, the shallower your boot is. If you try another skate and lace it up correctly, and the laces are narrower, that means that the boot is deeper.

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thanks for clearing that up gavin... ;) ive been reading it on hear all the time and i never knew what it meant.

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Don't you guys find it irritating when LHS don't know what they are talking about?? Its hard to support the LHS if they give that crap ( I am not talking about all LHS)..

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Any word on the depth of these 3 boots?  I'm currently skating in Vectors and I get pain around the sides of the arches...I suspect that these boots are not deep enough.

My two cents from what I've heard...but I'm no expert...I only play one on the internet:

- Tacks are the widest and the most shallow.

- Vectors are in the middle.

- Rbks are as wide as Vectors but they are deeper. (Don't confuse that as being equal to the really deep skates on the market though.)

This sounds like a topic for JR or Chadd as this conversation has come up before but I don't recall it coming to a conclusion as there was a lot of "I think....maybe....I'm not sure but..."

Sounds to me like you got it right

Sounds like I just cashed in my one in a million shot! Gee, and to think I almost bought a lottery ticket before deciding to try answering that question. :P

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Think you very much for the well put description of a deep/shallow boot. Alot of posts (and topics) make more sense to me now I know what it means. :P

Now I just need to know what the benefits of a shallow or deep boot are compared to vice versa? :rolleyes:

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Now I just need to know what the benefits of a shallow or deep boot are compared to vice versa?

Good question, but maybe it should be phrased this way: What's the risk (or problem) of having a boot that's either too shallow or too deep?

I figure this is what the eyelet test is for too, right? seeEyelet Test

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