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2007 MLB Thread

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Yanks have their make up game today in under an hour... If they win, it's 1 game in the loss column. All the Yanks have to do then is just win one more then the sox and they're in, since the tie-breaker is in the Yanks favor. Could be interesting.

Whats the pulse up in Red Sox Nation?

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It was funny reading a mailbag this week in the Boston Globe. That city has to lead the nation in aneurysms. I swear, the average post was, "Terry Francona is the village idiot! And Theo should be taken out back for trading for Eric Gag-Me. If they are not fired the day after the season ends, THERE HAD BETTER BE A CONGRESSIONAL INVESTIGATION!!!!!"

My buddies and I have been trading emails this morning, and this was part of my take on it: "Having said that, going into the Jays series, the Sox had the third best record in baseball since the All Star game. As much as it pains us to admit it, the Yankees have easily outplayed everybody."

On a lighter note, Francona had a great line on Papi's attempted steal of third Saturday, "I think he thought he was invisible."

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After I stopped foaming at the mouth thinking of how great it would be to take the division from boston after being 14 1/2 back, I used a little common sense and realized that its much much better off for the Yanks to just take the wildcard. I really think they phoned in their effort in their make up game monday to make the gap 2 games instead of 1, so that it was less likely they'd get the division.

The reason being, I (and the Yankees too I'm sure) would much rather play the Indians then the Angels. The Indians are a very good team, without a doubt, but the Angels have straight up owned the Yankees. The Indians on the other hand, are 0-6 against the Yankees this season. I think thats something you can't ignore. I'd much rather play the Indians in the 5 game ALDS and then the Sox in the ALCS.

Congrats to the Sox on winning the division this year... we'll be back next year to take whats ours

edit; also, watching the post game ceremony, it was really touching see Torre start getting VERY emotional when Susan told him how Damon/A-Rod/Rivera were saying how this was Joes team and things like that

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I'll deal with his mismanagement of the bullpen. Not many managers are that great with their bullpens.

I have a feeling Mariano and/or Posada will walk with no Torre, not to mention an unhappy Jeter

edit again: also was hilarious/great to see all the young guys bouncing around like madmen and soaking the Yankee vets with champagne. You could tell the old guard was loving watching it.

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Why would they walk?

Go play somewhere else for a new manager, or stay in NY with a winning team and a new manager. Jeter might bet a little hurt by it 'cause him and Torre are close, but he's a professional and he'll deal with it.

Sorry, I'm tired of the horrible bullpen management. Vizcaino was supposed to get shut down for the week 'cause of a tired arm, probably from Torre's over-use of him. So what happens? He's pitching in a game with a ten run lead.

Think of the arms he's ruined just since coming to NY. Paul Quantrill was never the same after Torre.

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  mack said:

So who's taking over?

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Hopefully not Mattingly or Girardi.

I'd take Bowa or Pena off the bench or even Miley out of SWB. Outside of the organization I'd look at someone like Bobby V.

Bucky Dent could be an outside candidate based on coaching in the system before and being a major league bench coach this year. He gets by on actually being able to manage, not just name.

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That's what I was wondering, if they'd stay in-house or go outside. As long as I can make it thru any lame Piniella rumours I'd be happy. I can't see Mattingly taking over as he seems too fresh, but then again maybe once the Boss is gone they could go all sorts of directions I didn't think they could go.

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The main reason I feel they won't hire Mattingly is because they know the PR debacle they'd go through if he was terrible and they had to fire him.

It's bad enough most Yankee fans ignore the fact he was mediocre seven of his last eight years in the league, this blind following will cause a shitstorm if he's fired.

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They need to make the NL more competitive and put Atlanta back in the West. Regardless, it's going to be painful to watch any WS this year.

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I consider the Sox a wild card, because we don't know what we're going to get.

They can score a lot of runs when they are on, but Lugo, Drew, Varitek, Crisp and Youkilis could be shut down by playoff pitching.

Beckett's start yesterday concerns me, because he had the opportunity to virtually clinch the division as well as probably the Cy Young, but he kept giving back the lead; I understand he's a 20-game winner, but he didn't come up big in a big game. Schilling should be okay for six innings. Dice-K is the true wild card; he needs to avoid the one bad inning, as well as not let Francona allow him to throw 115 pitches every game. We have to hope Wakefield turns into the 2007 version of the 2004 Derek Lowe, where he was terrible down the stretch, then locked in during the playoffs -- that's if he pitches. The pen should be okay, but they need to flip Gagne and Okajima, so that Oki is pitching the 8th; there's speculation that Oki did not respond well to the "demotion."

The defense is good and the bench is okay, but it's lacking pop.

Still, the Angels have not been playing well, and there's been word that Vladi's knee is hurting, so I'm going to predict the Sox in 4 games.

I don't know who I predict in the other series. At 18-7 in September, the Indians have been similarly as hot as the Yankees, although they've played the Royals and White Sox during that stretch. The Yankees' offense is much better, but I think Sabathia and Carmona are better than any of the Yanks' starters. If the Indians end up with the best record, it's a given they will choose the schedule to allow both of those pitchers to throw twice. The defenses are a push, but Cleveland's pen seems better, although I assume the Joba rules will be modified during the playoffs.

Given it's a short series, I think I'd call this 53-47 Indians, but I'm not willing to go out on a limb.... :D

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Yes, I realize that my status as a Braves fan doesn't offer me much ground to stand on, here...but I will say this much: "LOL @ the Mets!"

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As much as I want to goof on the Mets, I have to credit the Phillies for coming back. Hit by injuries seemingly all year plus they have to put up with actually having to use Howard in the field.

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  trevor13478 said:
  mik3 said:

For some reason Boston is starting Matsuzaka in games 2 and 5.

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They didn't pay 100 million for him to sit on the bench ;)

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The honeymoon is almsot over with most Red Sox fans and him, if he loses game 5 at home there will be fans trying to revoke his work visa.

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