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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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new ipod

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Ohhh i see. The original wheel was not a click wheel, it was a heat sensitive tocuhwheel, although the clickwheels are farrrr supperior

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Im just not gonna argue with you anymore since you know everything.

BTW, no shit sherlock I have heat sensitive touchwheel (Nano), I wasnt saying the click one was better

The nano is the clickwheel.

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Im just not gonna argue with you anymore since you know everything.

i was agreeing with you?

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the clickwheel is the ipod signature. It would make no sense to place it on the rear (enginering problems aside). It is just not smart, don't try and justify it... its dumb.

Wow, you truly are a mongoloid. I didn't say it was smart, just that you make it sound like people would be "WHERE THE HELL IS THE WHEEL OMGZ I'M LOST!!!!"

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lets get back on the topic and quiet bickering.......are the touch screen ipods gonna be like the PSP? sizewise that is, i am in the market for an ipod and like the 60 gig black video, i am plannning on getting in the end of july, if the new stuff is coming out soon, should i wait till christmas and get one then?

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From what i read in the forum i think this was just a photoshop and not the real deal :(

Yet it has been a rumour for some time now and may actually be in process. They'd probably be out in August like vapor said, aswell i think it would be the same size as the iPod videos now, except its one whole screen.

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