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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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lace length

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for those of you who have had replaced the laces on your skates can you tell what length you used because i need some new laces for my bauer 9D skates. thanks

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I have 96" on my Fuels and 84" on my S500s.

:o really? what size are you? im 8D and i have 96 on my Synergys and 108 on my XXs, on my synergys i dont do the top eyelet because it wont reach.

i'm sure your one of the people who said on certain skates you dont use the top eyelet?

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hmm depends on how deep your foot sits in the skate. i have 8.5 z-airs which are really shallow, so i have to have 120s. i think 108" will be fine..

if you buy them at a rink, the lady will usually let you lace them up and if they are too short, bring them right back 5mins later and get the 120s.

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I have 96" on my Fuels and 84" on my S500s.

:o really? what size are you? im 8D and i have 96 on my Synergys and 108 on my XXs, on my synergys i dont do the top eyelet because it wont reach.

i'm sure your one of the people who said on certain skates you dont use the top eyelet?

My S500s are customized so the eyelets are closer together than normal retail models. The Mission skates have a little different eyelet spacing and other skates. Both pair are 10EE.

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