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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Got Chassis?

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Red Star chassis are all the rage now. A week ago, I couldn't even find e-frames, let alone an alloy in size Medium.

Searching for these things was a pain in the ass, but a few days ago, I came across some e-frames. My friend needed them to mount on some Bauer 6000s, so I got him one, and two for myself. This may have been a bad idea, but I just couldn't stand thinking about having to find them again.

There is no specific discussion in this topic, but I wanted to make a place to post anything and everything about chassis. You can vent here, too, if you like.


This chassis epidemic all started with Mission patenting the Hi-Lo and Red Star losing their greatest innovation.

The Alloy was an amazing chassis, and was created a while before Mission ever used Magnesium Alloy.


First time I saw it, I thought it was a piece of junk because it was so light.

After a few years, I found that they were actually an exotic item that only the best players had.

I had no need for one, but now everyone wants one. I had the opportunity to get them on hockeymonkey for 90 dollars, but passed it up because I didn't know my size.

They did have them in Medium, and now this is one of my greatest regrets.


Anyway, post away. Enjoy!

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Yep, those are one of my current two pairs. :D

They're actually considerably heavier than most retail skates, due to the Hum'er chassis. However. they are the fastest skates I have because of the big wheel setup.

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Bought 4 pairs of Alloys of hockeymonkey (2 size medium 2 size Large) on the same $90 deal.

Greatest chassis ever :)

Sold of 3 of the pairs to some team mates (they ordered through me) and currently have a size Large Alloy chassis on my Rbk 8k Pumps.

Though I'd rather have the Mission 10000 Mg chassis. Since it can't strip, which is a bit of a concern of mine (regarding the alloys).

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  hockeypunk3 said:
On the entire chassis topic.

Does anyone know why there isnt an 80-76-76-80 set up or something of the like? seems like an interesting idea i had while reading this.

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the two 76 wheels wouldnt touch the ground

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  LChockey24 said:
the two 76 wheels wouldnt touch the ground
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Actually they would. You're skates are pretty much never completely verticle like they would be while walking/running.

You will probably see some sort of combination with 76/80 mm wheels offset to stay flat in the near future due to Missions patent on the hi-lo.

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I looked up Mission's patent in the US Patent Office, and it seems that no one can make a chassis with wheels on two horizontal planes, meaning that there must be either one size of wheels or three, as in Labeda's Hum'er, CCM/RBK's Tri-Di, and Bauer's "One-Up" which is a complete load of bull. (In a good sense). The "One-Up" is just a Hi-Lo chassis; they sell it with different sized wheels to avoid the patent. Great idea. Should include and extra 80mm wheel. :P

The 80-76-76-80 idea sounds pretty good. I just noticed, but it looks awefully like a Tri-Di, minus the front wheel.

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I once tried 76-72-72-76 on a small Sure-Grip frame. The frame was made for four 76mm wheels with the option of rockering the front and rear wheels by 2mm. So by rockering both 76mm wheels and putting two 72mm wheels in the middle, I ended up with all wheels touching the ground together. That way, the center of gravity was slightly lower than four 76mm wheels and the wheelbase was slightly shorter since rockering the wheels on that frame also moved them closer to the middle. Who knows, maybe with a medium or larger Sure-Grip frame and a little dremelling, you could manage to get a 80-76-76-80 setup?

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Wait till you skate out new chassis for 2007...Everything you like about Hi-Lo with the speed of the Hummer....

I will be able to post more pics in the next week or so...

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