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Bauer 4000 or Rbk 5k Pants?

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From these two only.

The reason I am limited by these two, is they are the only pants in my price range that my LHS has in my size.

I am beginner adult level, so don't want to get high end pants for $150.

The 4000 are about $15 more than the 5ks.

If you had to choose between these two, which would you take.

Also, which has the best tailbone protection. I stood on a puck a while back, and bust my tailbone, and also my tailbone protector in my Bauer 1000 pants. I have been using them since, but now I am getting to the rink more, and getting better, need new pants.

Thanks for the help folks

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Personally if you have tailbone issues I would go Tackla but that being said I think either of the pants wouldnt be a bad one to go with.

I heard that about the tackla, but to be honest, they are just out of my range, so was trying to go to the mid range pant, in or around the $80 mark. The tacklas would add $50 on, and I have not seen them in my LHS, thats the online price, so have not been able to try them on, which I don't like either

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Not meaning to hijack, I was looking at some pants too. Is the 6k worth the extra bucks? Also heard the 4000, 6000 weren't as protected. I haven't had any hands on experience with them though. Also added CCM Tacks 452 to my list (or 492...forget), they were most heavily padded, cept a little bulky and shorter. And Mission L3 which I like very much, there was tailbone padding but the butt area wasn't as nice as the CCMs.

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I have to say I liked the RBK pant as it fit more like a girdle with those adjustable legs.

Thats not a huge factor from me, I am currently wearing Bauer 1000, which are probably 6 years old, I got them for $25 in play it again sports when I started, about a year ago, so feel like the snugness isn't a factor, but from what I read here, in some other threads, if I am going bauer, better spend the extra $20-30 for the 6000 as the 4000 are not overly protective

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I have to say I liked the RBK pant as it fit more like a girdle with those adjustable legs.

Only problem with them is if you hike up the pads, the shell doesn't. Was a pain in the ass for me. Went back to my girdle.

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