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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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innovative 1100 ops pulling blade out

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Hi guys, just got a used inno 1100 ops. Don't like the blade, and I want to pull it out and put in my own tapered easton synthesis blade. Can I just heat up the fuse point at the hosel and pull it out? Please help.


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some you can. is your shaft "daul fit"(tapers in both ends). can you see where the blade and shaft meet? if you can say yes to both questions then you should be able to pull out the blade.

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Has anyone tried pulling the blade on a Dolomite? Is it posible to just heat them up and pull out the blade or do you have to cut it as well? Anybody??

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Has anyone tried pulling the blade on a Dolomite? Is it posible to just heat them up and pull out the blade or do you have to cut it as well? Anybody??

Why didnt you just get the taperd shaft? ;)

i did.

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I tired heating up tye XN10 and popping the blade out -- dooesent seem to work. Looks like its stuck together with some white - cement looking stuff How hot do i have to heat it ?

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On the xn10 just make sure you sand down the pain on where the fuse point is....I heated mine up forever and the blade only barely moved...then I took a knife and just ran it around the small section that it started seperating, and BAM, heat it up and pull it.

On the Dolomite...it looks like the tapered shaft with a blade stuck in it...unless they used some ridiculous glue like easont I dont see why you cant just heat it and pull it.


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I tired heating up tye XN10 and popping the blade out -- dooesent seem to work. Looks like its stuck together with some white - cement looking stuff How hot do i have to heat it ?

Try stepping on the blade and pulling upwards. I couldn't get my bro's response + or my dad's tri flex blades out with just my arms, but they both came out clean when I stepped on them.

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I tired heating up tye XN10 and popping the blade out -- dooesent seem to work. Looks like its stuck together with some white - cement looking stuff How hot do i have to heat it ?

Try stepping on the blade and pulling upwards. I couldn't get my bro's response + or my dad's tri flex blades out with just my arms, but they both came out clean when I stepped on them.

basically you need some more leverage and especially an "anchor".

This is a good tip I learned, but you use two people. Heat up the fuse point area and when it is hot enough put the top part of the blade (elbow) over a door knob and ask your friend to hold the blade down. This way all you have to do is pull the shaft.

I used to have my friend pull one way holding the blade and me pulling the shaft going the other way. It was okay, but still not that easy and could sometime be a bit dangerous when the blade popped off (the person holding the blade usually falls down on the floor). This way is a lot easier and safer.

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Anybody ever pop a blade out of a Mission M-1 or Prostock L-2? I've got a prostock L-2, but it's fused (like the M-1) and the blade is splitting. I cut the paint around where the shaft and blade connect, but haven't gotten it to budge.

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