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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graduation Present..

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I didnt get anything for 8th grade, I got stuff after high school and college but 8th grade is a little odd to me... hmmm Ask for a giga pet or a pokemon dvd or something.

HAHAHA that sounds so degrading..."pokemon dvd" haha

here in Vancouver we go K-7 and then 8-12 (well I did anyways)...after gr 7 my parents got me nothing, after gr 12 they got me loads of liquor hahaha

I have no idea how I got them to do that

edit: the stripper idea's pretty good too B)

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I don't even remember what I got. At my school it was K-8, no middle school so it was kind of a graduation from all 8 years, not just middle school. If you dont already have an iPod then that's a keeper of a present. Maybe a gift certificate to the LHS...

My school is K-8..only 160 kids in the WHOLE school, 17 kids in 8th grade, one class.

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your just getting out of 8th grade and your talking it up in the beer thread? lol

Defenitly not talking it up in the beer thread. How funny.Not.

I thought it was pretty funny....yes you did have some posts in the beer thread, so yes you were in a way "talking it up"

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talking it up would be like....oh yeah I drink like veryday I know all the stuff. YOu guys have no idea what beer is anyways. I simply said that's a nasy list as I have never heard of even one beer on there in my life, and in Ireland I had Ginuess...

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Look at my last post in that thread, look into my shoes and see if you see it as a joke.

I did read it, but still it has nothing to do with your situation. He was just saying that it is regarded as pretty young, and funny, to have any knowledge of alcohol at your age. I'm not going to argue with you about that. :rolleyes:

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hmm depends on how old you are. if your gonna be 15 this fall ask her if you can start looking for a car. that way when (if) you take drivers ed/get your permit, you can do all your driving in your own car and you can learn all about your specific model. parents usually don't like letting the kids drive their brand new SUV, so that way you can get all the experience you need.

if you're planning on playing HS hockey, this might be an easy way to get a real nice set of gear (rbk 7 or 8k, mission fuel 110) etc. i would ask her for a pair of the new xxx-lite bauer pants, but that's just imo.

but yeah getting out of 8th is not a big deal. if i had kids i would probably just take them out to the olive garden (thats a real nice italian rest here in usa, yall don't have that in canada) and give them 100 bucks.

you will love high school. i got in so much trouble in middle school because i was "too mature" for the restrictions they placed on us, and i tried to give myself more freedom than they wanted me to have. HS is a breeze (i'm in 11). you get to drive hot girls around and get drunk and pass out in their beds.

you are such a tool

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i got in so much trouble in middle school because i was "too mature" for the restrictions they placed on us, and i tried to give myself more freedom than they wanted me to have. HS is a breeze (i'm in 11). you get to drive hot girls around and get drunk and pass out in their beds.

You my friend are rapidly becoming a project for the more antagonistic members here. I thought you could not out-do yourself after several of your latest posts, but here you are! God help you if Mack gets going. I did not think that anyone could out-do the kid last year who pretended to be someone else and said he played for the Chicago Mission (I can't remember his name), but you are well on your way. I know you are really young, so you might want to chill on the booze and chicks conversations. ;)

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hmm depends on how old you are.  if your gonna be 15 this fall ask her if you can start looking for a car.  that way when (if) you take drivers ed/get your permit, you can do all your driving in your own car and you can learn all about your specific model.  parents usually don't like letting the kids drive their brand new SUV, so that way you can get all the experience you need.

if you're planning on playing HS hockey, this might be an easy way to get a real nice set of gear (rbk 7 or 8k, mission fuel 110) etc.  i would ask her for a pair of the new xxx-lite bauer pants, but that's just imo.

but yeah getting out of 8th is not a big deal.  if i had kids i would probably just take them out to the olive garden (thats a real nice italian rest here in usa, yall don't have that in canada) and give them 100 bucks.

you will love high school.  i got in so much trouble in middle school because i was "too mature" for the restrictions they placed on us, and i tried to give myself more freedom than they wanted me to have.  HS is a breeze (i'm in 11).  you get to drive hot girls around and get drunk and pass out in their beds.

you are such a tool

Its nice to see that I'm not the only one who shares that belief.

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hmm depends on how old you are.  if your gonna be 15 this fall ask her if you can start looking for a car.  that way when (if) you take drivers ed/get your permit, you can do all your driving in your own car and you can learn all about your specific model.  parents usually don't like letting the kids drive their brand new SUV, so that way you can get all the experience you need.

if you're planning on playing HS hockey, this might be an easy way to get a real nice set of gear (rbk 7 or 8k, mission fuel 110) etc.  i would ask her for a pair of the new xxx-lite bauer pants, but that's just imo.

but yeah getting out of 8th is not a big deal.  if i had kids i would probably just take them out to the olive garden (thats a real nice italian rest here in usa, yall don't have that in canada) and give them 100 bucks.

you will love high school.  i got in so much trouble in middle school because i was "too mature" for the restrictions they placed on us, and i tried to give myself more freedom than they wanted me to have.  HS is a breeze (i'm in 11).  you get to drive hot girls around and get drunk and pass out in their beds.

you are such a tool

Its nice to see that I'm not the only one who shares that belief.

I 3rd that idea......glad to know you were sooooooo cool in school and that your sooo mature kido. haha

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