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Bill Gates leaving Microsoft

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He has not left. He is still chairman of the board of directors (in other words THE BOSS). This will not effect M$ at all.

Google will not be the primary software provider, that is a joke. Name one good piece of software they have made (that is usefull and will make them money). They are good at search and advertisments, nothing else.

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He has not left. He is still chairman of the board of directors (in other words THE BOSS). This will not effect M$ at all.

Google will not be the primary software provider, that is a joke. Name one good piece of software they have made (that is usefull and will make them money). They are good at search and advertisments, nothing else.

I think the fact that their name is now also a verb speaks highly of their success.

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their success in search. Nobody says when they are going to make a spreadsheet Im gonna google that. Nobody says when they are sending an email im gonna google an email. Nobody says when they are going to map something that they are going to google map it (mapquest wins that battle). They do good with search and advertising... not much else.

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sorry, but google maps blows mapquest out of the water (speed, more recent maps, satellite maps)... I don't know anybody that uses mapquest anymore since maps.google.com came along

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Google is working on all kinds of human interface stuff. They've also bought a lot of software technology from other vendors and there has been tons of speculation that they are working on an operating system. I'd be highly suprised if they weren't, it makes too much sense for them to do it. I'd also be highly suprised if and when it does get released, it's not A LOT better then anything M$ has ever shoved down our throats. That said, http://local.live.com/ is pretty much the same as google maps but adds the very cool "birds eye view" feature.

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Google is working on all kinds of human interface stuff. They've also bought a lot of software technology from other vendors and there has been tons of speculation that they are working on an operating system. I'd be highly suprised if they weren't, it makes too much sense for them to do it. I'd also be highly suprised if and when it does get released, it's not A LOT better then anything M$ has ever shoved down our throats. That said, http://local.live.com/ is pretty much the same as google maps but adds the very cool "birds eye view" feature.

The currently have an operating system, they use it on their computers @ google laboratiries. They can release an OS, but why? OSX is far supperior to Windows, and look at the numbers they have. For that matter, Kubuntu is better than Windows, but still.

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sorry, but google maps blows mapquest out of the water (speed, more recent maps, satellite maps)... I don't know anybody that uses mapquest anymore since maps.google.com came along

Im not saying what is better. Mapquest has more users. The maps are not from google, they are from a third party, so its nothing that google has done better.

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sorry, but google maps blows mapquest out of the water (speed, more recent maps, satellite maps)... I don't know anybody that uses mapquest anymore since maps.google.com came along

true dat double true!

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sorry, but google maps blows mapquest out of the water (speed, more recent maps, satellite maps)... I don't know anybody that uses mapquest anymore since maps.google.com came along

true dat double true!

Well, let's hit up Yahoo! Maps to find the dopest route.

I prefer Mapquest. (That's a good one, too.)

Google maps is the best. True that. (Double true!)

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true dat double true!

Well, let's hit up Yahoo! Maps to find the dopest route.

I prefer Mapquest. (That's a good one, too.)

Google maps is the best. True that. (Double true!)

thanks for the clarification, I was staring at my machine in pure awwwe as I didnt know what he was referencing to :blink:

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i used mapquest when i went to toronto and i got lost coming back from a leafs game. rode around for an hour on the 427 and 401 loop. forgot the exact numbers though.

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I had some issues with Mapquest, but it's what I primarily use. I remember driving to Detroit and some of the highway was re-named and it made it difficult to get around at times using just the worded directions.

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On the main topic:

If this means they finally start all over with brand new code, it's a good thing. If they continue to try and piece things together with the old NT kernel, it isn;t going to make a difference.

As for the "office" apps:

I use open office, more functional than google and also free.

As for mapping:

I'll print mapquest directions but I use an old version of map point on my laptop when I'm driving in case I need to find an alternate route. It's helped a number of times in the past.

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i book bands on US tours, and the last cross country tour we booked, we used google maps for directions. the tour manager said the drive times were all messed up and they all took a lot longer than indicated.

a trucker told me expedia was best, but i tried it a couple times and got lost.

come to think of it, i think i hate mapquest and yahoo too. i think i've been screwed by all of them :[

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