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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ventilation, does it work?

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So some skates (Missions, the Bauers) have them at the toe cap, but my worn-out CCM's don't. Do you find that these actually make a difference in keeping you cool, or is it more of a gimmick?

I also kind of want to cut down on the moisture factor a bit. . .

I also wonder whether the companies will do this for ice hockey skates as well?

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I personally never noticed any difference. The skate fits so tight to your foot I don't think any airflow that would make it through the vents would really help anything too much.

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I've never noticed any advantage/disadvantage with my old missions, But everyone I play with bitches about them when we play outdoors in the winter because their feet freeze.

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I dont really care what I wear under my skates (if i wore sandals that day its no socks, if i wore shoes, its socks) So when I go barefoot, I can notice a diff. and it feels pretty good.

Nothing special to alter your purchase descion but its kinda cool to feel.

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I would imagine it's more for allowing the heat to escape(hot air rises). I really never noticed, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't lower the temperature on the inside of your skates a few degrees.

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On the topic of ventilation I think it's more psycological than a real help, I can "feel" it too, so I'd rather have it than not... viva La Marketing.

And while we are talking about ventilation, what do you guy's feel is the best way to ventilate/dry boots after a game?

I always take out the footbeds, but alot of times that isn't enough, so when I grab my skates for pratice the next day they are still wet or humid inside.

Would really appreciate advice on a product or technique for makeing your boots completley dry, btw I also put my boots on the side (tounges out) which was a advice I read somewhere here on MSH.

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On the topic of ventilation I think it's more psycological than a real help, I can "feel" it too, so I'd rather have it than not... viva La Marketing.

And while we are talking about ventilation, what do you guy's feel is the best way to ventilate/dry boots after a game?

I always take out the footbeds, but alot of times that isn't enough, so when I grab my skates for pratice the next day they are still wet or humid inside.

Would really appreciate advice on a product or technique for makeing your boots completley dry, btw I also put my boots on the side (tounges out) which was a advice I read somewhere here on MSH.


The best solution is something like this: http://www.inlinewarehouse.com/descpage.html?PCODE=SBD

It comes with a price, ($60) but something like that should last a lifetime.

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It must work when it is hot, because you can sure feel the cold air on your toes outdoors in the winter. Not sure how much of a difference it makes indoors though.


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I think as long as the footbeds are dry, I can take a slightly damp interior.

And the Missions have the holes at the top, the Bauers have them in the front.

How many of you go barefoot in roller hockey? (I personally do)

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On the topic of ventilation I think it's more psycological than a real help, I can "feel" it too, so I'd rather have it than not... viva La Marketing.

And while we are talking about ventilation, what do you guy's feel is the best way to ventilate/dry boots after a game?

I always take out the footbeds, but alot of times that isn't enough, so when I grab my skates for pratice the next day they are still wet or humid inside.

Would really appreciate advice on a product or technique for makeing your boots completley dry, btw I also put my boots on the side (tounges out) which was a advice I read somewhere here on MSH.

nothing five minutes with a hair dryer won't help with

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