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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just seen the 07 Mission range !

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Iv just seen the 07 Mission roller range at the European Dealers Show.......

Wicked skates models 1 , 5, 7 ( i think ) all now with 80 & 76 mm wheels ( NO 72's) all had RINKRATS on .............

Thorax ADVANTAGE Girdle Black/orange with removable HARD pads, also an ADVANTAGE THorax t- shirt.

Pants & skates & fuel protection stay the same in lower models as the 06 , upper models new graphics !

More info when iv down loaded some pictures !

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I called it! Yeeeeee! Check out the "Got Chassis?" Forum. I called it somewhere in there when Justin said, "Has Hi-Lo with the speed of the Hum'er."

Yes, 80/76...a higher Hi-Lo.

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That should be pretty sweet. The only thing I worry about is that this is going to make the chassis that much longer. One of the things that I love about the Mission chassis is that they are so short.

Oh well I am sure 8 mm is not gonna make a big difference though.

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Hey, kovalchuk, I just sent you an email, it should get there in a few minutes (its about 1 Mb)

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Damn, and I was actually just about to go shopping for new skates tonight too! I think I'll hold out a few more months!

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Hey, kovalchuk, I just sent you an email, it should get there in a few minutes (its about 1 Mb)

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Yup, sent it at 11:43 EST.

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I like the 80/72 setup, may I ask and advantage to an 80/76 setup? I would think that it might help with stability and possibly speed but lower your ability to make a sharp turn because of the longer wheelbase(if that's the correct word).

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It would make a difference, but I'm willing to bet that it won't be too noticeable. Sure, maybe in a tight turn, you lose say, 1 second in the turning process, but in stopping and accelerating, you gain four, so you can still catch me when I blow by you. ;)

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The toe slip is eliminated, as well as reduced stopping distance...However, since it is still hilo, your turning radius is not effected...

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That should be pretty sweet. The only thing I worry about is that this is going to make the chassis that much longer. One of the things that I love about the Mission chassis is that they are so short.

Oh well I am sure 8 mm is not gonna make a big difference though.

I just read and thought about this, I think the real reason why mission hi-lo's feel short is the front wheel is raised or "rockered" ever so slightly. If you stand perfectly straight on a perfectly level surface the front wheel is barely off the ground so you are standing on three wheels.

If the new hi-los are rockered like this, the chassis will feel just as "short".

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I don't think it's a rocker or a raised chassis; it's the wheels. Since they are soft, the area that you lean your weight into is the area that will sink more, thus raising the area without pressure on it. If you stand on your toes, your heels will come up, and vice-versa.

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1/10000th of an inch, which is the common number, does not make that much of a difference. Trust me, it's the wheels. Those things can be compressed with pressure from the hand, and without question, body weight will do the same. If you lean on one and not the other, you will obviously sink in the direction of the pressure.

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Whether it is rockered or not the Mission chassis have always been physically much shorter than any other brands. The wheel spacing and the chassis size is perfect for me. I have skated in other skates sometimes (Tours, Easton, etc) and I kept tripping over myself because the chassis extended so far in front of the toe.

I'm gonna trust Mission on this one, I have always skated Mission and I have always been happy with the performance. There were a few years when the durability wasn't exactly up to standard but as far as perforance goes I think Mission has done more than any other company as far as innovating and always making the next skate that much better than the last.

I always find myself thinking after a new skate comes along "What are they gonna do next year, how can this get any better", and yet I am always surprised.

Hopefully Justin hurries up with those pics of the WL's :). Haha I can't wait!

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Yeah, personally I don't "trust" a certain brand or buy into pre-release hype anymore. It's just dangerous, especially with an idiosyncratic, progressive company and in other cases corporate takeovers and management changes. I definitely suggest reading reviews, asking around and trying them on before making a purchase. Even with warranty service, it's still important to do some research with a $300-500 skate.

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Yea, I totally agree, as much as I love being the guy with all the new equipment I definately make sure to research the hell out of the product before I buy it.

It does seem like this "new" hi-lo is gonna be sweet though the more I think about it. Everyone claims to love the speed of the humm'r and the bigger wheels. As long as Mission can really pull off putting bigger wheels on without a corner loss it should be great.

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