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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Switching back to steel...

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I currently have a pair of Salming F1s that have tblades on them. I loved the tblades and think that they are a great product, but my hockey roots and my traditional ways have made me want to switch back to normal steel. I have a few options with my skates that I wanted to look at. Before I was on tblades, I used pro-lites from CCM. I liked how I was on my toes in these skates and would like to go back to the same profile.. At the same time, I have heard nothing but rave reviews from everybody about tuuk holders. I would love to get a set of tuuks put on my salming boot but I had a few questions before I went and did it..

- Which one should I get? I see Tuuk, Tuuk Customs etc..

- Can I get these profiled so I am on my toes (like my old ccm holders)?

- Can I even do this with my salming boots?.. I REALLY love those boots and would like to stick with them if I can.

Any other suggestions? Thanks :)

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ADDED: I just called my LHS and they can put on a pair of tuuks for $80 but they said that the flatness of the boot might be an issue for the mount. Would spacers help?

im really excited now.. IMO the most comfortable boot in the world and the best steel in the world.. its going to be awesome.

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Best steel??? When I got my Bauer skates the blades cracked twice on them. I wouldn't call that the best steel. It's all personal preference but I definitely prefer the Mission Pitch 3 holders and steel over the Tuuks.

Hopefully Bauer has the bad steel problem corrected. I know a few guys at my local rink that had the same problem too.

I should also add that the steel on both Bauer skates bent. No problem like that with my Pitch 3's.

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One of the Tuuk blades on my Nike Ignite skates bent too. The guy at the shop is the one that noticed it while sharpening. not long after one of my holders broke and I got T-Blades installed on my Ignite and as of now I really don't think I'll go back to traditional steel. I love my T-Blades

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Lightspeeds give you a bit longer of a stride due to longer runner length, but they can be pretty flimsy, especially if you get perforated steel. Everyone I know, myself included, who had the perf. lightspeed runner has broken it and most have gone to solid. Once played a game against a kid who had out of the box 8090's and broke the steel in the first period. Another thing to keep in mind is that on the original lightspeeds it can be a pain to use a stone on your steel, as the holder itself has little cuts in the bottom where the steel meets (was for the perforated runner as well). Since I got the solid LS2 runner, I haven't had any problems.

I've also heard great things about the Graf Cobras. They look kinda Wonky, but have a trick single screw steel attachment that everyone raves about (not that you change steel all that often)

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I hated my Cobra holders. I like the old Tuuk Custom+ and the Eblade Pro that CCM/RBK have out now. I haven't had a problem with the steel on my Eblades yet. Also, when my Cobra steel broke, it took forever to get replacements, since they're not popular where I play. The Grafs were comfy though.

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I'm switching back because after practicing last night in my ccms (no tblades) I really liked the feel. It made my tblades feel cheap.. like I was skating on toys.

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weird.....well whatever works for you, that's what matters. for me i'm still liking the t-blades more. is this "toy" feeling even with new runners? I've gone 11 games without replacing the runners and i'm finally starting to tell that there losing a bit of edge on them.

I say go with what works. if the ccm's feel good by all means get them. if it's just you feel to much on your heels or something like that then try some spacers first.

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I'm switching back because after practicing last night in my ccms (no tblades) I really liked the feel. It made my tblades feel cheap.. like I was skating on toys.

Could have told you that before you got t'Blades...

Seriously, it has been said before, t'Blades are a crappy gimmick. No steel is good enough to keep its edge as long as they say it can, and especially for not as cheaply as they sell it. Its crappy stuff and its only real selling point is that its light, or maybe it would be useful to someone that can NEVER get a sharpening. But I cant see how that would be an issue....

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If you like the feel of the CCMs, you should just use the same holder on your Salmings. Better yet, If you don't plan on using your CCMs, you could just swap the holder over.

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well, its pretty strange, you are one of the t-blade lovers in this forum and even you are going to switch back...are t-blades that bad....I skated on them once and felt pretty good, abit too light maybe but very balanced, normal holders are always bottom heavy IMO.

PS: would you try the new carbon t-blades?

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I'm switching back because after practicing last night in my ccms (no tblades) I really liked the feel. It made my tblades feel cheap.. like I was skating on toys.

Could have told you that before you got t'Blades...

Seriously, it has been said before, t'Blades are a crappy gimmick. No steel is good enough to keep its edge as long as they say it can, and especially for not as cheaply as they sell it. Its crappy stuff and its only real selling point is that its light, or maybe it would be useful to someone that can NEVER get a sharpening. But I cant see how that would be an issue....

I guess that's your opinion but i know from personal experience that the runners last longer then normal steel runners. Unless i've had some cheap steel on the skates i've used. Everyone always says they're a gimmick. i know that these salmings are the best skates i've used and the t-blades are a part of that. I'm just getting sick and tired a lot of people saying they're crap and haven't even tried them.

It comes down to PP. It's always been argued, you either love 'em or hate 'em. Never in between.

edit: no offence to you JR. you've done a great job on these forums and in the hockey equipment buisness but some times you can be biased in your opinons a bit and people take them as the gospel. you've always said it's personal preference. your reputation on here though i think makes people forget that and ignore products that might actually work for some people.

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edit: no offence to you JR. you've done a great job on these forums and in the hockey equipment buisness but some times you can be biased in your opinons a bit and people take them as the gospel. you've always said it's personal preference. your reputation on here though i think makes people forget that and ignore products that might actually work for some people.

Okay, you call me biased yet you ask me not to take offense? I am DEEPLY offended.

Personal preference? Covered that...skated in them. Hated it.

Now for the proof:

I have put at least 30 people in t'blade swaps over the years. I sharpened their skates before and they just "had to try it." So they did...and every one of them switched back. Sure sounds like a case study to me. Is that bias? No, it just means I'm THAT GOOD.

And what have I told people over the years? It is a good alternative if you are stuck somewhere where you cannot get a proper sharpening. But, the "advantages" that it supposedly offers are nothing more than a gimmick.

So I really suggest that you get your facts straight before labelling me as biased. I have ALWAYS given equipment a fair shake.

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Badkitty. If you want to switch holders and are looking for good steel and the option to easily change the pitch I'd take a series look at the Mission Pitch 3 holders. The steel is strong and you have 3 pitch options which are easy to set, but if none of those work for you you can still get a custom profile.

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I'm switching back because after practicing last night in my ccms (no tblades) I really liked the feel. It made my tblades feel cheap.. like I was skating on toys.

Could have told you that before you got t'Blades...

Seriously, it has been said before, t'Blades are a crappy gimmick. No steel is good enough to keep its edge as long as they say it can, and especially for not as cheaply as they sell it. Its crappy stuff and its only real selling point is that its light, or maybe it would be useful to someone that can NEVER get a sharpening. But I cant see how that would be an issue....

I guess that's your opinion but i know from personal experience that the runners last longer then normal steel runners. Unless i've had some cheap steel on the skates i've used. Everyone always says they're a gimmick. i know that these salmings are the best skates i've used and the t-blades are a part of that. I'm just getting sick and tired a lot of people saying they're crap and haven't even tried them.

I dont really care if you are sick and tired of it. If it wasnt true, why would people say that. And for your information i have skated in them. They felt like the crappy product that they are.

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i never pointed to you JR or you hateme as not the ones the haven't tried them. there are a number of people who haven't tried these and just spew out crap.

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i never pointed to you JR or you hateme as not the ones the haven't tried them. there are a number of people who haven't tried these and just spew out crap.

But still, do you still consider me "biased" after I proved why I feel about them?

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