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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Oakley AFR Cleaner

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I've been using them for the last 4 months. Great service, but lately they've contracted out and it started getting expensive. I'll have to start using The Letter Carrier or Package Express now.

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I have found a MSH memebr who is kind enough to send me some. I have had several offers from some other cool memebrs as well.

Thanks for all your help with this guys, I tried all the official avenues and they didn't even bother to reply to my emails. This is the first time I have had to rely on the community here and it looks like you have come thru.

Cheers from Australia.

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I have half a bottle left and I gave my other bottle to someone else a couple months ago.

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Hey Matty, sorry mate have given the Silver Cup the flick, spending the money on the trip to New York instead.

I have a Oakley Pro Hockey Visor - Modified Straight - Small atm. Its about 18 mths old and was bought because of Skate Aus's requirements to wear the bloody thing. I generally clean it with water and a moist sponge (wet but not dripping) dry it off and buff. Lastly I get some of the spray additive you put in your wiper jets for the car, drip a really small amount on the inside of the visor and work in. Get a dry cloth and buff it clean again. Its probably the best way of cleaning I've used so far as the additive (usually anti fog as well) keeps it clear as brand new.

Make sure you mount it correctly, as I found out a few weeks back with a stray stick it doesn't always protect you from everything.

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Well after 3 weeks of emailing Oakley.com they FINALLY replied.

They gave me the email address of Oakley Australia, straight from the website. I had mentioned in my email that I had spoken with Oakley in Australia, at length, and that they had told me to contact Oakley in the states.

They didn't even read my email.

This is seriously pissing me off. I have emailed THC and they haven't even replied.

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Well the saga is over!

Big thanks to utvolsfan007 who is an absolute legend for sending me some AFR cleaner.

Thanks also to all the other members who helped me out on this.

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I have a similar question as Benchboy.

Before CCM took over the distribution of Oakley visors, the Oakley 2.0 visor (VR832) has been made by JOFA / CCM. It is called JOFA 9000, some retailers run it as CCM 9000. It can still be bought in European stores, since Oakley is not accepted so well there.

That's a good thing since it is actually cheaper than the Oakley labelled version. I am concerned about cleaning it though. Benchboy is reporting that certain Oakley visors can only be cleaned with the special Oakley AFR spray or else they will take severe damage. If this applies to the Oakley 2.0 visor, what's the deal with the JOFA 9000? What is your suggestion to clean that particular visor?


CCM 9000 visor


Oakley AFR spray


I don't want to spend money on the Oakley spray if I do not need it. And I do not want the Oakley spray to harm the CCM visor. Who knows... maybe the formula of the visor coating is different after all.

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You NEED the AFR or the visor will crystalize (If you use any other solution)

Somebody said you can't clean the inside of Oakley visors with antifog solutions. Supposedly that will ruin the AFR coating. But then what if that's the Oakley AFR cleaner on the inside of visor?

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